Garden and Food books by Gayla Trail


Until very recently, pawpaws have been one of those mythical fruits that I’ve known about for ages, but have never seen in person. Until just a few years ago I was under the mistaken impression that they are native to the Southeastern United States, but not available here. Chalk it up to geographical ignorance; I

Black Horehound ‘Archer’s Variegated’

I bought this plant, black horehound (Ballota nigra) ‘Archer’s Variegated’, about a month ago and just recently planted it in the ground (still in the pot) at my community plot where it will live through the winter until I can figure out what in the heck to do with it when the ground thaws this

Lotus in Bloom

I made my first visit to the Montreal Botanical Gardens about nine years ago. It was early August and the lotus flowers in both the Japanese Garden and the Chinese Garden were in bloom. Two close friends had died the year before, just days after my birthday. We went to Montreal to get as far

Random Junk Found in the Street Garden Cleanup (2009)

This isn’t all of it, just some of the stranger items. Interestingly enough, the year I decide to give up on the garden is the year Operation Garden Terrorism seems to have come to a halt. Or maybe I just didn’t notice the damage because the garden looked so haggard! Past Interesting Items Found: Mystery

Mutant Veggies at the Fall Fair (2009)

Turnout in the mutant vegetable competition at The Royal Winter Fair was disappointingly lackluster this year. I don’t know if it was the poor weather this season, or a waning lack of interest in growing monstrous, overgrown produce, but it seems that the competition fell from an abundantly healthy display in years past to the

Echeveria leucotricha harmsii

At least that is what I believe it is, but I reserve the right to be mistaken. There are so many Echeveria out there in the world… it can get a little dizzying. If you think you know what it is, please tell us in the comments.