Garden and Food books by Gayla Trail

Seeds, Seeds, Seeds

My seeds have arrived. Some are just in time for planting and some are kind-of late but manageable. Just to be clear I have done a first batch of seeds. This is a second, last-minute batch. They are all heirloom varieties purchased from Seed Savers. I’m very excited! I’ve already opened every packet and inspected

Late May

Over May 24 weekend we did more work in the side garden. After several years we have finally expanded the garden to take up all the space next to the sidewalk. Unfortunately it looks really unbalanced now. One side has lush growth and is surrounded by fencing but the other side is all new, small

Shade Garden

Despite being trampled and mistreated flowers are blooming in the shade garden. Here are a few photos taken this afternoon. Bleeding Heart – People say they are old-fashioned and boring but I disagree. Its unfurled, reddish foliage is one of the first signs of spring and the flowers look like crazy fifties bouffant hairdos or

My Own Private Permaculture

Guest post by Anne Boyer I planned my first garden for ten years. I fell asleep fantasizing about what I would do with land when I finally owned some: there would be the blue room, exploding with morning glories and delphiniums, the fruit room surrounded by a thick patch of brambles, the grandmother room full

You Grow Girl is Awarded

You Grow Girl won in the category of “Favorite Place to Learn How to Grow Your Own” in the “2004 The Morning News Editor’s Awards in Online Excellence.” Thanks Morning News!

Mid-May Update

I can’t beleive it’s mid-May already. We’ve been experiencing an unusually warm, dry May (although it is finally raining today). At times I don’t know whether to be running through the streets cheering on an early summer or frightened by how all this will translate come July/August. One thing it has made me is hesitant.

Parkdale Plant Sale

Today I attended the annual Parkdale Horticultural Society Plant Sale. There seemed to be less selection this year. I bought less plants then last year but still managed to break the bank.

Urban Composting

Guest post by Kelly Gilliam Make this budget conscious compost bin for your deck or small outdoor space. One benefit to having your own yard and garden is plenty of room. However, some of us live in tight apartments and are forced to have container gardens. Because of space, the urban dweller may conclude that

Garden of Weedin’

Guest post by Niki Jabbour Weeding is one of my least favourite activities and in terms of fun I would have to rate it somewhere between getting a root canal and beating my head repeatedly against a wall. That said, there is a certain amount of satisfaction derived from yanking on a dandelion and having

Getting Her Goat

Guest post by Hillary Rosner “Using goats to battle weeds is gaining popularity in the West, where noxious and invasive plant species are pervasive and poor management has left a lot of land in bad shape.” The lawnmower was broken. Not that I knew how to use it, anyway, as I’d spent my whole life

Unusual & Striking New Herbs

I need to start thinking about what I’m going to grow this year so decided to check out Richters Herbs to see what’s new. I’m completely blown away by some of the unusual new selections and thought I would share.