Garden and Food books by Gayla Trail

Rooftop Garden: July 1

Things are coming along swell on the rooftop garden. In fact, this is turning out to be my best year ever! The weather has been incredibly hot and dry, and as a result I have been out there religiously watering containers, sometimes as much as twice per day. But the combination of heat and consistent

Photos of My Rooftop Garden

As promised, a few photos of my rooftop garden in June. In the foreground you can see lemon cucumber, tomatillos, and peppers. – A full view from underneath the gazebo – Facing north. – Facing west – Facing west (closer) – Sweet and hot peppers in the foreground with purple tomatillos in the grey, oval-shaped

Book Expo Canada

I’ll be signing books at Book Expo Canada on Sunday, June 26 from 3-4 pm. Come out and get your book signed, bring along your completed projects (I love seeing them), or stop by for a chat.

Waiting for the Rain

We’ve been experiencing a rather long bought of both extremely high temperatures and humidity levels plus drought here in the city. They’ve been getting rain and other strange weather patterns outside the city, but here in the core it’s been nothing but massive heat and humidity with a distinct lack of rain. This is both

Herb Fair 2005

Last Sunday marked the annual Ontario Herbalist’s Association Herb Fair at Harbourfront. I am pleased to announce that it was also the most successful You Grow Girl Toronto Meetup to date with our best turnout yet!!

Garden Update: Street Garden and Roof

This week has been a frenzy of cleaning, selecting plants and planting. As hard as I try, I’ve got perpetual dirt-under-the-nails. I should have thought to take a picture to show what I mean. I haven’t been up to much in the side/street garden (it really needs a name) so I’ll start there. Earlier in

Name Confusion

There has been some confusion about my name recently, with reporters writing that my true surname is Sanders. Trail is infact my true surname. It is the name I was born with, and the name on my original birth certificate. Without going into a long-winded explanation, my name was changed to Sanders in childhood when

Saucy Magazine Interview

From: Saucy Magazine With Chan Stroman Gayla Trail is a graphic designer, writer and gardener in Toronto. She wrote, took most of the photographs for, and designed the new book You Grow Girl: The Groundbreaking Guide to Gardening, which grew out of, the popular gardening web site created by Trail over five years ago.

Saucy Magazine Reviews “You Grow Girl” Book

From: Saucy Magazine “This is the gardening book I wish I could have had when I started out gardening. New gardeners will find this book to be a fine primer on planning a garden (whether in-ground or in containers), sowing seeds, planting, growing and harvesting, making compost, and coping with garden diseases and pests, and

New York Updates – Day One

There has been lots of excitment here in You Grow Girl land so I’ll start with updating my trip to New York and work from there. But before I do I am proud to announce that the You Grow Girl book has gone for a second printing! Woo Hoo! The weather in New York was