Garden and Food books by Gayla Trail

Showering Them with… Water

I closed up shop on my rooftop garden this weekend. The terra cotta containers are all brought indoors and stored away for the winter. I’ll admit that while I’m sad to see it end for another season, I have begun to realize that I really need the freed-up time and energy to focus on indoor

The Future of Food

I recently sat down and watched, The Future of Food, a documentary that investigates the problems we face in the industrialization and corporatization of food production. Wow, I can’t say enough about this film and am sorry it took me this long to make a point to watch it. If you have any questions about

Compostable Bags

Good on Mountain Equipment Co-op in implementing the use of compostable, biodegradable bags in their stores. We use canvas bags and avoid taking plastic whenever possible, but I am really happy to see a real alternative moving into the marketplace. From the site: “Unlike older “biodegradable” plastic bags, BioBags are 100% compostable and biodegradable, and

You Grow Girl 2007 Calendar

Yay, the You Grow Girl 2007 Calendar is complete and available in print. This full color, 12 month calendar features 30 rich garden and botanical images along with an assortment of organic gardening tips, growing techniques, and creative ideas. Learn about tasty edible flowers, growing great garlic and tomatoes, fighting slugs and snails, making your

The Eggling Experience: Update 1

Germination has taken place in both the Eggling and the Real Egg. The Real Egg showed a few sprouts about 6 hours before the Eggling. Sorry about the lack of photo to accompany this update however both seedlings are microscopic in size and I don’t have a macro lens. I’m glad I saved a few

Eggling versus Real Egg: Fight

While setting up my “Eggling Experience” I thought it would fall more into the spirit of the much loved but long forgotten “The Lab” section of this site if I were to make this into an Eggling versus Real Egg experiment. I made the claim in my introductory post that an Eggling could be closely

Mutant Veggies at the Fall Fair

A friend and I attended The Royal, Toronto’s big city attempt at a country fall fair. I was unable to make it over the last few years and forgot how good it is. Fall fairs are like cultural anthropology that happens close to home. There’s just something wholesome, quaint, and yet slightly off about neatly

Container Garden Clean-up

Today was a dry and mild reprieve from the awful cold, wet and sometimes windy late fall weather we’ve been enduring here in Southern Ontario — a good day to do some garden work. I have found frozen water in the trays underneath the containers on the roof a couple of times recently increasing my

Recycled Garden + Contest

I’ve started a new contest on the site. The prizes are copies of Tsia Carson’s book, “Craftivity.” I tend to make contests that are simple to enter but thought it would be fun to do one that is more interactive. I love to see the inventive things you are doing in your gardens. I also

Does Not Contain Spinach

Oh man. I don’t know what to make of the level of paranoia we’ve reached about the recent spinach/ecoli outbreak that has compelled Epic Roots, grower and distributor of mache to go this far in disassociating their product from the maligned leafy vegetable. First the pulp news casts featuring headlines asking, “Is organic food a

Late Season Gardening — Party Time, Excellent.

Despite the cold — and the fact that we experienced a brief and light snowfall this afternoon — outdoor gardening is still happening here in Toronto. I am yet to put any of my gardens to bed. The side garden is fine really. Doing a last clean-up is pretty much my choice. I choose to

The Eggling Experiment

I know that this cute little product has made the rounds in the design and gardening world so I know I’m probably not showing you anything new. I have been resisting the charm of the Eggling since I first heard of them because I generally do not support this kind of product no matter how