I posted back in October about my new-found culinary interest in dandelion greens and a few of you have been writing to ask where I got the seeds. In my case the dandelions have been coming up all on their own in my community garden. If you’ve got the short-leaved variety and you’re looking for a long-leaved variety I would first suggest looking around where you live or asking your friends since dandelions and their seeds are all over the place. There are a lot of people out there who would be happy if you suggested pulling up a root or two from their garden.
I looked into it and have compiled a very short list of companies that are selling online. If you know of anyone else please comment.
- Mountain Rose Seeds – Organic. Size and variety is not indicated.
- Green Harvest – This company is in Australia. Scroll down the page to chicory ‘Red Dandelion’. It’s not exactly dandelion but similar and very pretty with dark red stems. Organic.
For more info on red chicory see the bottom paragraph of this page.
- Heirloom Seeds – Carries ‘Catalogna’ chicory which looks like dandelion but is less bitter and more peppery. Also often known under the misleading name “Italian Dandelion.’
My favorite seed supplier, Johnny’s Selected Seeds, also offers two species of dandelion: Taraxaum officinale, our common variety; and the Italian Dandelion, Cichorium intybus. I have never tried the Italian variety, but will plant some this year now that you have peaked my interest.
Oh thanks Bob. I had such a hard time finding anyone selling actual dandelion on a consumer level. You can buy large quantities for crops but I doubt few people here are looking to grow that much.
Just to confirm the “Italian Dandelion” is chicory and not dandelion at all. I threw it in there for it’s similarity and because it is easier to buy as a seed.
Loretta at Wild Pantry collects and often sells dandelion seeds. There are other wild seeds listed also. I’m looking for purslane seeds.
Marie: I got my purslane seeds at Greta’s Organics.
I got organic Dandelion seeds on eBay–100 of them for .87 cents from some nice people up in Washington state. Planting them tomorrow. They are for my parrot and Chihuahua, who love them in their morning salads (I have been picking them wild). Great nutrition (beta carotene/vitamin A) in these greens!
You can buy dandelion seeds from Cooks Garden here …
I have them in my garden. They are doing well and are delicious.