Wasp Invasion!
I haven’t noticed it to be quite the exaggerated horror film some are saying, but apparently Toronto is in the midst of a yellow jacket population explosion. The increase is thought to be the result of the combination of a cool, wet season, and the recently resolved garbage strike. All-in-all there’s just a lot more …
Mantis Watch 2009
As previously mentioned, I bought a praying mantis egg case at the Parkdale Horticultural Society Plant Sale the other day. It’s not exactly the most effective form of pest prevention in the garden for a few reasons: 1. Praying mantids are not discerning and will eat any and all insects in the garden, including the …
Your Questions Answered: Ladybug Confusion
Question: I just saw my first yellow and black ladybug! I live in Germany, but previously lived in North Carolina. Are the yellow and black ladybugs more common in Europe? – Kayla Answer: Yes, yellow and black ladybugs are native to Europe but can be found (although less often) in North America too. The Common …
Insecticides Safe Enough to Eat (if you must)
The reality of any kind of gardening is that at some point you WILL encounter pests. While there are hundreds of products lining the shelves of your local garden centre designed to erradicate bugs from the garden, you probably have ingredients in your own kitchen that will do an effective job without contaminating the foodchain …