You Grow Girl Makes - Winter Squash Worth Growing Embroidery Project

An Embroidery Project for Pumpkin Lovers

Please allow me to introduce the second embroidery project in our You Grow Girl Makes series for plant and garden lovers. This fall themed wall hanging was inspired, in part, by a surprise gift of 300 pounds of pumpkin that was delivered to my door last fall. The experience gave me the opportunity to taste

You Grow Girl Makes - Tomatoes Worth Growing Embroidery Project

Introducing You Grow Girl Makes

Introducing our newest collaboration, You Grow Girl Makes and our first project in the series, Tomatoes Worth Growing, a 12″ x 12″ embroidered pillow (or wall hanging) dedicated to some of my favourite heirloom tomatoes. In the off-season, when the garden is put to bed and I am resigned to longer hours spent indoors, I

Dyeing Fibre with Plants

Last summer I resolved to try and make further use of the plants that I grow by employing them as natural textile dyes. When their season was through, I did a few experiments, dying various fabric scraps with the burgundy leaves and immature blooms of the large false roselle plants I had grown that year.

Embroider a Tulip Tree Leaf Bookmark

I needed a bookmark, so I made one. Random scraps of paper and bus transfers do the work of marking my place in a book, but they are not special. They just are. I knew it had to be botanical, because… exhibit a thru z… and it was a pressed leaf that provided the inspiration.

Heck, Yeah! Floral Embroidery from Northern Thailand

I bought these bright and colourful botanical-themed embroidered panels in a little textiles shop near(ish) to the hotel we were put up in in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This shop was full of embroidered textiles, but I honed straight in on the old pieces in various stages of disrepair and ignored the new. This one is