Interview with Back to Our Roots Urban Farm

For the second year in a row I have been working with Fiskars Project Orange Thumb® as a member of their editorial board. Project Orange Thumb® gives a financial lending hand to educational, therapeutic, and community gardens in the US and Canada, and this year 30 gardens were each awarded $3,500 in cash and tools.

Peterborough Community Garden

The Peterborough Community Garden Network’s Urban Grain Seed Project

Way back in the depths of deepest winter I accepted a position with Fiskars Project Orange Thumb® as a member of the editorial board. Project Orange Thumb gives a financial lending hand to community gardens in the US and Canada and this year 30 gardens were slotted to each receive $3,500 in cash and tools.

A Mid-Winter Booster Shot Courtesy of the Community Greenhouse

I started the week out on the good foot with a reinvigorating morning at the community greenhouse I visited last winter in the suburbs of Toronto. Oh that good air and the smell of warm soil and life. The smells! There were smells. I left feeling energetic and doing air punches in my head. Suck

Little Eccentricities: A Visit to a Community Greenhouse

My friend and fellow plant/collecting enthusiast Uli Havermann (you may remember her from this incredible succulent pot, this stunning blue sea holly, and these beautiful urns) is a member of a large community greenhouse here in Toronto. Last week she treated me to a glimpse inside. Like community gardens and allotments, community greenhouses are not

LaGuardia Corner Gardens

Our off-time on a recent trip to New York City was spent wandering around soaking everything in and taking pictures. I didn’t go out of my way to visit specific gardens or community gardens this time, but naturally found some along the way. One of the community gardens I came upon was the LaGuardia Corner

A Conversation: Gardening versus Porn

I am standing in front of a community garden taking photos when a youngish dude (I am not good at guesstimating age) holding a guitar and a large, open bottle of vodka approaches me. Him: What are you doing? Me: I’m taking pictures of these beans and bean flowers. Him: Why? Me: Because I think

Bob Easter’s Carrots

Organic gardener Bob Easter shows off his harvest at the Sunshine Community Garden in Austin, Texas last week. They are already harvesting carrots! Meanwhile, back in Toronto, home of the never-ending winter, we are only dreaming about the carrots we will grow and harvest in a few months. Sigh. I took this photo last week

Pea Flowers

Taken at the Sunshine Community Garden in Austin, Texas.