UPDATE: The winner is commenter #116: Kaitlin.

Seed starting season is in the air and I must say that even though it is early days yet, having a handful of pots on the go gives me something new to look forward to everyday and brings the gardening season that much closer as we slog through these last weeks of winter. My naranjilla seeds germinated yesterday. Hooray!
Hudson Valley Seed Library is a small-scale seed company located in the greater New York area that specializes in beautiful packages designed by local artists. Besides making a gorgeous product, they have a commitment to producing seed from heirloom varieties that have been adapted to their climate. As a result, all of their seeds are grown by a group of farmers and gardeners from the surrounding region (including their own farm).

Hudson Valley Seed Library have provided me with one Gift Membership Pack (10 seed packets of your choosing) along with a handful of individual Art Packs that will enable one reader to get a very good start on their garden this spring.
To enter, simply leave a comment below. Any comment will do, but I’d love to hear about the plants you intend to start from seed in the coming months.
I will choose a winner at random on Thursday, Feb 3, 2011.
Woot! Hurrah for heirlooms.
I would love to win! I just started some beets and I am excited to try okra this year.
Wow those packets are so beautiful! I’m impressed!! Love that ‘Tiny Tim’ packet especially – great art.
Speaking of seeds, I ordered Roselle seeds from Baker Creek – the ‘Bronze Roselle’ seeds you gave me grew so well here that I want to try regular Roselle so I can make tea/drinks.
Well quite a few not only for my family to eat but for my effort to help fight the food desert in Racine WI
Mostly the basic easy to grow and store crops. We are hoping to encourage kids to take part in the effort and help reconnect to the soil
Ooh, these are so nice! I’m getting excited to start planning my gardens for 2011. I’m definitely going to be planting corn, tomatoes, carrots, peas, beans, and lettuce, and I’m sure I’ll decide on way too many more things to grow, as well.
What beautiful packaging! This year, I am really going to focus my efforts on growing heirloom tomatoes and basil. I was successful last year but planted just a small amount. I built a seedling starting station and want to start my seeds in the next couple of weeks. Can’t wait!!
After the success my friend had with her tomatoes last year, she’s inspired me to start my own this year:)
Oh, pick me! I know I need to start my leeks imminently, but it’s difficult when I’m still eating last year’s leeks in the garden. Past that, I have no idea what I’m growing this year. I am way behind on my planning.
I intend to start tomatoes and various hot peppers from seed.
I’m a relatively new gardener. I’ve grown from seed for the past 2 seasons. The first wasn’t adventurous at all. Last year I grew a mixture of veg, tomatoes (Alicante and Minibel) as well as courgettes, beans, carrots, parsnips and salad/herb crops. All went really well considering it was my first attempt.
This year I intend to grow the same as last year but instead this time, reduce the amount of some of the vegetables I grow. Some were much more productive than I anticipated! Particularly the courgettes.
Instead I’m going to try and experiment with different and more unusual varieties. Lots that I haven’t tried growing or tasted before. As well as quite a few ornamental annuals for the rest of the garden.
That gift pack looks wonderful! Such vibrant packaging as well. The art on them is beautiful. I think if I won I would consider framing them! (After using the seeds of course. :D)
I just got back from the grocery where I got sucked into buying my first seed packets of the year (gardening display – they got me!) which got me excited to start my seed shopping. this was the first thing I saw when I got home. how very timely!
You are making me think of spring with all of these seeds. How lovely!
I’m just starting to dream about this year’s garden.
I will be starting a few more heirloom tomatoes this year (bringing my total up to about 20 varieties). I’m also looking forward to trying a few more hard-shelled gourd varieties in addition to all the other vegetables I usually do each year.
Wow! I’m only beginning to start my organic seed collection. I am going to start tomatoes (they are my favourite plants to grow). I’m growing a lot of herbs too, chives, thyme, basil and the like.
What lovely seed packaging.
This year I would like to start tomatoes and herbs from seeds.
Seeds! I’ll be starting a lot of fairly standard things, but my main goal is to not kill all of my tomato seedlings like I did last year.
Awesome package! I’ve already started peas, some beans and lettuce. Trying to figure out what tomatoes I’ll be growing this year…
Me, me, me! (pretty please) I am ALSO just realizing that it’s time to get on things tracking down those burgundy pole beans you mentioned last year…
I’m not sure what I’m going to plant this spring. I’ve already got some mustard, garlic, and shallots, but I have a *little* space I could fill with something… For summer, I will be planting tomatoes, corn, beans, and squash. I have the seeds, but my daughter’s school budget is tight. I’d love to get some free seeds for them!
I have such grandiose plans! Last year I only started vegetables, but this year I’ll be planting some flowers as well; Chinese Lanterns, Sweet Peas, Sunflowers, and possibly some kind of black pansy (love those). I’m going to take another stab at starting loofahs as well – last year they wouldn’t germinate for me.
Beautiful seed packets! For some unexplained nostalgic reasons, I do everything from seeds. I just have a small container garden, so it’ll be a lot of the usual suspects-tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, etc. But on a total whim I ordered some luffa seeds! This will be an adventure for sure!
i know it is getting down to the wire here, but i haven’t decided what i am putting in the garden this year. i will surely start some tomatoes and peppers, but i don’t know which ones yet!
I’m starting my first-ever garden and I’m definitely planning on tomatoes, peppers and a variety of herbs. I want to try strawberies, too, after reading your advice abou them. And a farmer friend has highly recommended potatoes! *I have big dreams!
I’m going to try and start all my veg from seed this year. I want a variety of herbs and veg but there are so many exciting plants to grow. I’ve got a date at the pub to choose seeds with a friend over a pint. The hope is that we’ll keep each other sane or at least order enough different plants to swap!!
Beautiful seed packets. It is time to plant carrots, turnips, beets,etc here. I live in the drought stricken south so I have been collecting bagged leaves like crazy. They are a composters’ dream! I have raised beds all over my yard. Nothing can beat homegrown. Planting potatoes next week.
Wow! Those are beautiful! I’m hoping to grown 6-8 varieties of tomatoes this year along with a few varieties of carrots, peas and pickling cucumbers to start with in my community garden. In my home container garden I’m focusing on basil varieties because you really can’t have too many! And I’d really love to grown that multi-colored Chinese pepper plant if I can find it. This is the year to expand the color and variety in both of my gardens. Can’t wait for spring!
Oooo la la! What fun!
My problem is narrowing down what to plant? Tomatoes, eggplant, a variety of squashes and herbs… so many lovely options…
Last year I put in three raised beds and started lots of seeds inside with marginal success. Most successful? BASIL! We put it in almost everything and had so much we shared with friends. Can’t wait to see how things grow this year.
Lot’s of tomatoes and basil indoors and then direct sow for everything else. Peas, beans, lettuce, squash, kale, chard, carrots, potatoes, garlic, onions, beets and whatever else will fit.
That’s it … now I need to go out and dig me up some grow lights! I’ve had the reminder over the past few summers that veggies straight from the garden are the best tasting things going (ex. hate supermarket green beans but have to be dragged away from the runners and bushes in the garden so that others may actually get a taste!) therefore I’m giving Brussel(s?) Sprouts a go this year. I’m pretty sure it’ll be a revelation!
My garden lust is growing every day!
I would love love love so much to win these! Great get over sick January month, and look so forward to getting back to my garden this spring!!
I would love this! Just bought a house so we are starting from scratch this year with a new garden. Planning on doing peppers, onion, arugula, pumpkins, herbs, and strawberries to start.
My boyfriend and I haven’t even gotten halfway through the seed catalogs and already have way too many things circled to fit in our garden. But it’s all so exciting! There are so many new things we want to try this year!!
They don’t call me Compost Queen for nothing….visions of healthy seedlings poking through the soil…dance in my head. Oh won’t you please please select me.
I’m sowing so many seeds this years, but I can’t get enough!
For the first time this year: mini eggplant and mini melons and several pepper varieties I haven’t tried.
We’ve been sticking to pretty simple vegetables…but we would love to branch out and try something new!
So far, I’m just planning on tomatoes and peppers. Once Spring is here, I’ll probably start some lettuces, herbs, carrots, and squash.
My main focus tends to be on the flowers; this year I will grow zinnias, hollyhocks, sunflowers, echinacea, Black Eyed Susans, scabiosa, poppies, larkspur, cornflowers, lobelia, saliva, sweet peas (all from seed) and, hopefully I’ll be putting some roses and peonies in the ground too.
I’ve admired their packages for some time now. This year I am most excited about the parsley root seeds I’ll be planting. I fell in love with this root while visiting Denmark over the winter and have never seen it here.
Can’t wait for spring, although I like skiing (cross country).
I’ve got an indoor box of salad greens sprouting up already and have been waiting on my big seed order to come in (which it just did today!) so I can start my tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant for transplant later. Trying some winter sqaush this year and hadn’t seen a good source for Hubbard squash until I saw your post, so thanks! Whether or not I win the gift pack, it looks like I’ll be placing an order here.
Just came across your book and website and am anxious to start my own garden for the first time this year even though I look out my window and see a snowstorm!
Fun! This is my first year doing a garden all of my very own – so excited! It’ll be in a community garden, and I’ve been investigating companion planting. I’d like to do mostly heirloom veggies and herbs, especially tomatoes, beets, carrots, basil and mint (pesto and mojitos). We’ll see what happens in the next few weeks! These are gorgeous!
those are such great seed packets, especially tiny tim. i just started some tiny tim seeds last night–i’m jumping the gun on seed starting because i just can’t wait anymore. i planted moon & stars watermelon, jelly melon cucumber, black & red boar tomatoes, speckled roman tomatoes and of course tiny tim. i’m trying to go all-heirloom this year, with one exception for some sugar snap peas because i found a hybrid that really interests me.
On my list of new things to start from seed (or rhizome) this year are: Japanese Red Maples, Danish Poppies, Western Blue Flag and Siberian Irises. I also hope to successfully grow hops this year too!
I like to plant a few different varieties of tomatoes (last year I had 8 different varieties in my garden). So, in addition to starting tomatoes from seed, I also plan to start from seed green and red peppers, jalapeno and poblano peppers, and probably some herbs.
Really, really cool packaging….a bit on the slow side here this year…I’m trying “winter sown” in the backyard to see what all will come up that I planted after the first snowfall….and we’re still up to our noses in snow. I need to get started…and soon! Keep up the fabulous site!
I just bought a few seeds a couple weeks ago. French green beans, an English cucumber, purple radishes, sweet peas from Germany, and two different kinds of nasturtium! I can’t wait!!
I grew Hudson Valley Radishes and Lettuce last year! The art packs are beatiful (I wanted to enter some artwork but never got around to it, maybe this year!).
Love yougrowgirl.com and am happy when I see your books on the shelf at the store where I work (and yes, I do keep an eye on them to make sure we have them ;)
Thanks also for posting the links to the Safe Seed Pledge signers – I have been becoming more aware of the actual threats posed by GMO and every bit of information helps!
This year I am trying coleus by seed ;) I have my new greenhouse installed with grow lights. I love all the different colors and shapes of leaves that coleus offers and now they have bred ones for sun!
I <3 coleus ;)
i have long coveted the seed packets of this most awesome company! this year i’ll be growing herbs and greens mostly but were i to win, i would have to order that “Tiny Tim” tomato package just for the art. my Tiny Tim plant produced many delicious little tomatoes last year, and was perfect in a pot just outside my kitchen door.
Going to try growing Brussels sprouts this year. Hopefully I’ll figure out zucchini. I’m starting a bunch of tomatoes from seed in the next week or two. It’s been so inspiring reading others’ comments!
Winning this will be bonus, because I’ll buy their seeds anyway. I am so SO excited to grow so many things this year, as all years. Last year was all about the beans. This year will be all about peppers, which I’ve never really grown by seed. It’s all so exciting.
Ooooo… this looks like a fun gift pack. I’m thinking of getting one of those fancy growlights like Plantgasm. (Derek gets all the fun toys) This year we’re planning on artichokes, asparagus, snap peas, gourds, and pumpkins. Cross your fingers on the gourds and pumpkins as we live in Daly City so the fog-veggies do much better. Crossing my fingers for some seeds.
I am planning to grow a mini pumpkin that has white stripes from seed this year!
We’re weeks and weeks from spring, but the first to be sown will be lettuces and radishes in containers. Snow peas will follow, along with sweet peas in our flower border.
The seed packaging is absolutely beautiful and its such a great idea that they have local artists do the work. It just brings it all together you know?
This year i have SOOOO many plants i want to grow this year but limited space :( i want to grow some freckle lettuce, some tomatoes, peas, some assorted herbs and tons of flowers
good luck growing to everyone this year :)
Oh, hurray!!! i am relatively new to gardening, and your website is a wonderful resource to me. i’m so excited to actually have some outdoor space at our new house this year, and am planning to start a vegetable garden with as many heirloom veggies as i can. i definitely want to do tomatoes, lettuce, beans, and i’m not sure what else… i’m still learning :) these seed packs would be so amazing to help me get started!
I love seeds. SO much Potential. Peppers, tomatoes and herbs to start with.
Yea for seeds! We are starting tomato, carrots, kale, kale, and more kale. We like the kale;)
Here in New Hampshire, under 2+ feet of snow, it seems crazy to be thinking of any sort of gardening! But nevertheless I am thinking about what to put in the cold frame my dad made me as a birthday present. I think I’ll start with some King Richard leeks…
I’m so excited to get back out in the yard! These are great, seeds and beautiful art all combined into one, how fabulous!
Hi there! I’m a new gardener and just got the Baker Creek catalog in the mail. Drool! I never knew such gorgeous and unusual veggies existed. I’m not sure where to start but I think I’d like to try some heirloom tomatoes from seed this year. :)
Does it count if I’m on the other side of the world and enjoying summer? I have been experimenting with all sorts of seeds this year and trying varieties just to see what they look like rather than just to produce this certain veggie or flower. So far the weirdest looking one is bell chilis. They look so alien! The next thing I’d like to try is Kohl Rabi which looks like a red turnip but is supposed to have a mild nutty flavor. Looks pretty crazy so it fit right in! :-)
I know I say this all the time but thanks again for your blog. You are a hilarious quirky woman and I love you for it! You inspire me!
Lots and lots of greens!
What a great start your spring giveaway!!
planning to start all my herbs and nasturtiums, but not for a couple months. we got 4 feet of snow last week!
Tomatoes and basil for sure! Hopefully a host of other yummy things too!
I am going to try to find Salpiglossis (aka stained glass flower) seeds this year. Years ago I bought a plant at a garden center, saved the seeds, planted them in Winter and they grew! I was so happy, it’s such a pretty flower.
Other than that, lots of veg’s and many more flowers.
My goal this year is to start a lot of different varieties of tomatoes, and track which ones do well on the Avalon peninsula of Newfoundland.
I usually start tomatoes, peppers (sweet & hot), basil, chives and Italian parsley in my dining room windows. Found Hudson Valley Seed on fb and ordered a variety of seed as a Christmas gift (along with a rototiller!) for our daughter & her husband. The packets are SO beautiful and I was sorely tempted to keep all the packets for myself when they arrived! But, alas, they are now in Massachusetts — a long, long way from our garden here in Kentucky! I would love to have some Hudson Valley Seed varieties gifted
to me for use in our long, hot summer….
I’m going to grow a garden at a community plot in Alexandria Virginia just outside the Washington DC beltway.
I always do tomatoes, peppers, basil and cucumbers. This year I’ll try more flowers – trying perennials to build up my garden.
Deanna: I’m going to grow some Salpiglossis from seed as well this year. Bought flowers for a friend as a gift last summer and am now hooked.
I love Hudson Valley’s art packs. I’d like to frame a few to hang in the kitchen.
It’s amazing how many comments you get when something free is up for grabs!
I have a tiny balcony and a light filled spare room invaded by critters of the insect variety that seem to eat anything. Therefore, I will be trying some container toms and cucumbers and the usual stir fry mix and inevitable Swiss chard that seems to grow anywhere.
Jennifer: I am hanging on your every word right now. Summer! Sigh. I often buy beans just to see what the seeds look like. I don’t have the room to grow the number of varieties I’ve purchased!
oh gosh, I’m scrambling because it is seed starting time NOW here in Zone 8 and I’ve got nothing going yet!! ahh!
I’m planning my first kitchen garden this year. I am soooo hyped. And the ONE plant I have to have: Watermelon. It would cut our weekly grocery bill in half, I’m sure! I live off that stuff in the summer. :)
I’m a sucker for the artwork! Never mind that I love to start seeds. I didn’t know about Hudson Valley Seed Library but I’ve bookmarked them now. Already have seeds for Deer Tongue, Freckles, Little Gem and Bronze Arrowhead lettuces; Mohawk and Fish peppers; Porcupine calendula; Paintbox nasturtiums; etc, etc. But there’s always a desire to try new seeds. Keep up the good work, Gayla.
We’re knee-deep in snow, but its never too early to get those tomatoes, peppers (sweet to hot), and broccoli started. Once the snow is gone, the lettuces, radishes, peas, and carrots get seeded directly in the ground or outdoor pots.
Always on the lookout for heirlooms, since they’re tried and true. We always plant extra parsley for swallowtail butterflies, and it’s a great learning project for the grandchildren and nieces and nephews. Little things like that help make gardening fun, instead of work. Thanks for the chance at the seeds that Hudson Valley has donated.
Very attractive packaging :)
I haven’t had much luck starting things from seeds yet… I’m still learning. This year I’m investing in some grow lights and shelves, and maybe a heat mat or two ( i have no windowsills, and no light coming in due to really bad window placement)… hopefully will be able to do better from seeds.
Diane: Lots of good choices there.
Tom M: I had an amazing experience with swallowtail caterpillars on my dill last year. they managed to find my roof garden up in the sky. Exciting, even for us adults!
Ohh EXCITING Free SEEDS!!!! So this year I am planting on BLAST tomatos, tomatillos and peppers for canning! All different colors of tomatillos and exciting colored peppers. Also mexican gherkin cukes, ground cherries,leeks, and I just found new variegated Nastrutiums! and on a canning note I just got my FIRST food mill so I can FINALLY make your ketchup recipe!!!!! soooo exicted!!
Will be amping up our pepper planting this year as our sous-chef (#2 son) is really into healthy, flavorful cooking.
I’m pretty new at gardening and I live in a rental but I have done my share of container/deck gardening. I was granted permission last year to put in a raised bed so I am planning to start tomatoes, peppers and brussels sprouts. I am looking forward to eating from my own backyard!
Love me some seeds! Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants & herbs are already started :)
Free Seeds? And a new gardening website to browse around! Awesome!
Thank you for letting us know about this lovely company! It’s great to know about these smaller companies that continue to maintain ethical seed saving (and it’s cool that they do it is such a artistic way!) They have have really great options too. thanks again!
Love your site. I have a new greenhouse so heirloom tomoato seedlings are on the list. I am from Mission, BC (the rainyest place on earth) and have never had a good tomoato from the garden til last year with the greenhouse. We are at a higher elevation so sometimes it feels like we live more in the Yukon instead of coastal BC!
I know that the giveaway is most probably only for Canada and USA, but I still want to say my plans for the coming season. My community garden is an occupied ex-textile factory so I was looking for something not edible, but still interesting to harvest. Luffa cylindrica is perfect for Rome’s climate and the mature plant has a natural sponge inside! Love the artwork!
Those are gorgeous. I ordered a Mother’s Day gift pack from them 2 years ago; seems the art just keeps getting more stunning.
This year I intend to start: Dino and red russian kale, deer tongue lettuce, Cherokee purple tomato, yellow pear tomato, + more!
Sezgi: You’re right. I neglected to say that I can’t send seeds across some borders. But yes, I definitely still want to hear about what you’re growing! Luffa is a lot of fun and useful, too.
I traded them some pics for seeds last year and I couldn’t bring myself to open the art packs. I’m just going to start a collection of them, I have to get their ‘Sugar Baby’ pack and the tomato ‘Tiny Tim’ for my collection.
Cheers x3 for the Hudson Valley!
Oh my Goodness, I can’t wait to see you at the Denver Botanic Gardens! Really just made my day! I love both if the books and refer to them frequently. Thank you.
And those seeds look wonderful. I think it is time I start my spring garden. Luckily it is sunny enough here to grow under a cover.
I’m just starting to make planting plans, but I know a few things! From seed we’ll just be doing vegetables, a couple of varieties of tomatoes among other things. I’m most excited about setting up a trellis on our south-facing wall and growing I don’t even know yet!
What a great contest! I am in Vancouver and planning on starting tomato seeds soon and also some nasturtiums, johnny jump ups and cosmos from seed. I’ve had good luck growing thyme from seed in the past as well.
Love the beautiful seed packs. They would make an amazing prize at one of our Master Gardener events this spring!
This year I need to get my seed sowing organized and done as I’m due to have knee replacement surgery in May. I always grow my annuals (cosmos, zinnias, sunflowers, venidium and more) from seed. I’d love to win the contest and have more of a variety of seeds.
I am going to try growing heirlooms for the first time this year. I hope to can and freeze all sorts a varieties of tomatoes. I live in an apartment so I have to “rent” land from family members. Its a win-win situation though. I get free dirt and they get free produce!
I will be starting the leeks soon. I am also determined to expand my nasturtium repertoire.
I am so excited for spring, but we are some months away, yet in the Dakotas; I am warmed to see my phalaenopisis orchid blooming. I have a beautiful sunny, south-facing window where I plan to start my seeds in March. Your books inspired me to grow tomatoes and herbs on my balcony, and I’m excited to start with a rented plot this year and many more varieties of vegetables – eggplant, beans, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, etc. as well as more herbs and some flowers.
Another great website recommendation from Margaret Roach!
It’s 45 degrees here on the plains for only one day. I’m off to the potting shed to start something…anything just to have some little bitty green things to know spring really will come again.
In addition to the veggies I grow in my community garden plot, I’m hoping to create a vibrant pot of nasturtiums and morning glories in bush form for my drab front porch. Never tried either so we’ll see what happens!
I want to improve my salad garden. Lots of leafy greens!
What a great collection of seeds!
We’re still in the planning stages and have a late growing season here so our transplants won’t need to be started until early March.
I’d like to do our usual green bell peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli. This year I was thinking of adding in a melon (haven’t decided yet) and red cabbage.
I would love to be included in this give-a-way! Those seed packets are just awesome and the opportunity to have heirloom seeds in my garden this year is very exciting!! I grew up in the Hudson Valley. Wish it was as easy to garden here in Wyoming as it was there.
I am trying, for the first time ever, to expand my garden beyond the realms of the patio container. I’m taking my first steps, and I’m nervous.
Lots of seeds already on the go and more on the way.
Sure hope I win!
My grandparents had a huge veggie garden and they gave away most of what they grew to family, friends and their church. I would love to do the same…what a great way to share a love of gardening.
Can’t wait to start some seeds this year! I don’t know yet what I’ll have room for though.
I’ll probably start a few things ahead of time – rosemary, broccoli, maybe tomatoes. Most things I just plant directly in the garden.
Yay for heirlooms! I am dying to start my seeds this year. Been checking out mother earth news garden planner app online to get my creative juices flowing.
Starting from seed? Winter squashes, tomatoes (plum, “beefstake” and cherry), peppers (hot and sweet), early broccoli and maybe cabbage, plus everything that gets planted out as seed!
Haven’t had a place to vegetable garden in years, but now I do! Would love to be chosen!
Just this week I planted some chives, not sure if there onion or garlic. The package says there hard to grow & that I must be patient. I live in a apartment & there are 6 raised boxes in a use to be play ground, I also planted red onion seeds in late fall(in the raised boxes). I’m hoping to see results with those as well.
Wow! I was actually planning on some spinach, chard, carrots, tomato and a sprinkling of some marigolds and nasturtiums. I don’t believe in coincidences…do you? ;)
My last frost is March 15 (WOOHOO!) so I started a bunch of stuff this past week. Tomatoes, peppers, some hardier herbs. Oh, and some arugala and mache outside in the hopes I can get a few harvests before they bolt. I’m so excited to be getting started on time this year. I can’t stop checking all of my pots for signs of green!
I came here to get ideas for my seed-starting, garden-planning weekend, and it would be very fun to win! My first starts will probably be kale and spinach… though I still have some reading to do to remind myself what’s supposed to go when.
I have big plans to start everything from seeds this year. I took a vegetable production class last year (I’m going to school for agronomy) and know I can do it. Just not sure where to put them all since my cats LOVE to eat seedlings. Thanks for the giveaway.
I want to grow a mix of colored carrots, either Easter Egg or Watermelon radishes, Rat Tail radish, Chicoggia beets (don’t think that will happen as my mom hates beets), and asparagus peas sound intriguing. (Of course my mom has to make a joke based on the fact that asparagus makes your pee smell bad . . . go figure.)
I plan to start tomatoes, cukes, squash, zucchini, and basil from seed. I’ll also be direct-seeding the rest of my garden: a diverse salad bed, bok choi, carrot, radishes, swiss chard,and broccoli raab. Also, I might start brussel sprouts from seed if there’s still time. Thanks for the awesome contest!
I have not planned what I want to start from seed this spring. I did however, just go out back to harvest some kale for dinner, and the rabbits had gotten to all of it! So, frozen pizza it will be.
I usually start tomatoes and peppers from seed in Feb, and the rest by seed directly in the ground in May. My change this year is to possibly buy a heated seed mat to increase germination, since my “greenhouse” is my back porch laundry room.
I have been delaying the gratification of marking up my seed catalogs, however I will always make sure to have basil, cilantro, tomatoes, kale and chard from seed.
Beautiful! I’m itching for spring too!
canning garden for my first year canning!
I planted garlic last fall for the first time – fingers crossed. This year I’m going to try corn and a variety of herbs… tomatoes of course and some sort of pole beans. I had such a dismal experience last year with my garden I’m going to try to keep it simple this year… Oh, and I’m going to try again to grow my little one a pumpkin… I was so jealous of your “accident” pumpkin last year, even it was a “pie” pumpkin. We did, however, spend a couple wonderful saturdays at the pumpkin patch trying to pick out the perfect pumpkin :)
Seeds! I haven’t started looking yet. I’m pregnant so I’m wary of how much gardening I’ll be able to do come spring. I also tend to start seeds way too early and then they bomb in our cold basement.
But I will always grow: leafy greens, carrots, purple bush beans, snap peas, onions, okra (I try every single year although they hate our cool PNW summer nights) and tomatoes.
I have already germinated inside (since i couldn’t wait!): gherkins, cauliflower, edamame, radicchio, haricots verts, tom thumb lettuce, radish, tatsoi, pac choi, and arugula. This is only my 2nd yr growing things, and now realizing I need to pay attention to the growing calendar…
I always plant marigolds and other annuals from seed. Much less expensive than plants!
My heirloom seeds that I planted the first week of January are doing well. My new plant for this year is lemon grass; tiny skinny little plants. I will again this summer grow two varieties of ginger and tumeric. I wish your plants vigor and good health.
I met these folks at the Brooklyn Flea in November when I was in NYC for a visit and bought a few seed packets. I was really impressed with the operation as well as the packaging. So very wonderful!
I’ll start tomatoes, peppers, and herbs for sure. I may try leeks this year too.
oh how fun! I will start a handful of herbs, lettuce, leeks, and beets, maybe a few more surprise things :)
My green thumbs are itchin’! I plant everything from seed. I’m lucky enough to have a greenhouse. Weird things I’m planting: multi-colored quinoa, blue wheat, pink pop corn, mini-cukes, definitely a tonne of heirloom tomatoes! Thanks for the fun contests!
I’m a little new to gardening as we keep moving from different climates, but I want to grow okra! It’s very hard to find around here and it’s sooo good! Tomatillos too, and I know now that I need more than one plant if I want fruit! Tomatoes, eggplant, squash, cucumbers, etc, too!
How beautiful! We’ve ordered a lot of new varieties this year, and some tried and true. I’m excited about the tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, and lots of other vegies that we plan on planting. We’ll also be trying about 4 varieties of sunflowers – I’m so excited!
I would love to grow swiss chard.
Woww, those packets are gorgeous!
After a year of unexpected success starting tomatoes, peppers, and herbs from seed last year, I’m expanding. Leeks and lots of greens this year! And hopefully I’ll finally manage to germinate some eggplants.
Thanks for the giveaway!
oh, please choose me, random number generator!
Weird! I was literally just thinking how ugly my seed packets are! These more than make up for them!
Going to start a garden from seeds with my girl scouts this year.
I am so excited to finally have a seed-starting set-up going this year. I will finally have the hard-to-find varieties that I always long for!!
Ahhh the delights of seed sowing! I plan to do just a school garden this year since I am relocated to Philadelphia….but we shall have: peppers, tomatoes, marigolds, basil, lettuce, beans, thyme, arugula, etc…..whatever tickles the kiddos’ fancy!
What a fun giveaway! This year I’m starting quite a few things from seed: tomatoes, peppers, cukes, pumpkins, basil, cilantro, lavender, borage, and probably some others I’m forgetting! I’m excited for spring…I just direct-sowed some peas and they are poking their little heads up already.
From seeds this year: I already have one bell pepper sprouted as well as a handful of onions. I also have three kinds of hierloom tomatoes (cherry, regular and roma), pimentoes, jimmy nardelloes, and the rest of the bell peppers that were planted a week ago but not shooting up. What I haven’t started yet? Carrots, Calendula, Feverfew, Basil Mix, Radishes, Salad Greens, Chamomile, Morning Glories, Nasturinums, and I would have to go check on the others.
Can’t wait to get some seeds in my new raised garden bed. This year I want more herbs and more peppers!
I have been doing Heirloom seeds for several years now. I must be weird as I like the pics of different vegetables over those of humans (in most cases.) Some seeds I plan to start are: Scarlett runner beans, swiss chard (bright lights), forellenschluss (romaine), strawberry cabbage lettuce, etc.
I plan to start some basil (asian and regular), zinnias, tomatoes, and onions to grow at the allotment. Can’t wait to get out there; as soon as the ground is digable, I’ll be out with the pea seeds!
i always have MUCH bigger plans than i have space to grow them all! this year, my DH requested melons, so i will grow ambrosia cantaloups and moon & stars watermelons just for him <3. and the squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, beans and tomatoes that i like, of course.
This will be my first garden in decades, along with my daughter’s first ever. We’ll definitely do zucchini, peas, leeks, strawberries, tomatoes. And every flower seed packet that captures my girl’s fancy along the way…
Hi Campers!
I just found this site, AWESOME! I start a lot from seed and I’m chewing my fingers off not to start too early. My exciting new project this year is sweet potatoes! There are always just 4 or 5 varieties in catalogs, but I found Sand Creek Preservation(Trust?Project?Farm?) in Iowa that has about 150!! They do it as a labor of love for genetic diversity ( ditto for heritage breed poultry and winter squash)They even have cheap end-of-season grab bags if you’re not picky about variety. Can’t Wait!
I am hoping to plant mainly tomatoes, peppers, herbs and root veggies this year. Those pkgs. look lovely.
I saved my own tomato seeds for the first time last year (russian prince and allegory sunset) so I’m super excited to start those in the spring. I’ve also decided to try heirloom peppers this year.
We’re trying a new tomato called Stupice. We’re also trying a dwarf fig too. Can’t wait for the growing season to really start!
excited to try some new varieties of heirloom tomatoes!
i am currently obsessed with pumpkins and other squash. i think that I will honestly end up with about 7 different kinds in the garden this year. BTW… love the packets, such a beautiful and creative idea.
I did my very first garden last year–a container garden in our side yard here in Los Angeles. What a wonderful introduction to nature in this big city. My children couldn’t believe we had to just walk out to the yard to get some bright red tomatoes. Problem was, neither could the pests! This year i’m ready–i read all year, read your website, oogled gardens better than mine. now let me get those seeds so i can really enjoy the bounty of this earth and live sustainably on it. oh, and thank you for offering and all the inventive extra cheapie and simple ways to start a garden.
I have just been bitten by the planting bug!
I am starting from seed for the first time this year! Currently trying to whittle the wishlist down to something manageable..
I’ve already started tomatoes, basil, broccoli, and peppers indoors (I’m in Texas), and I’ll be adding squash, melons, and cucumbers next month. Woohoo!
This year I will be starting tomatoes from seeds again like last year, but I won’t be starting them in late January again… my place is so small I had tomato plants on every windowsill, and grow lights helping more plants under my dining table and chairs, but there was nowhere to sit but my bed and smell tomato plants till April, which was still too rainy to put them out (Vancouver)… Wah! Best garden related comment I had last year (in person, not on the internet) was from my downstairs neighbour when I walked into the yard clutching more plant pots: “If you put one more f***ing plant on the back deck it’s going to collapse.”
I have pretty bad luck with seeds because I don’t have a grow light, but every year I still try with jalapeno peppers, some herbs and lobelia (which was featured in my wedding center pieces and so has a special place in my heart). Everything else I sew directly outside!
I plan on starting some alpine strawberries from seed this year. I hear they’re tasty!
I’d love to try those beautiful heirloom seeds. I plan on starting tomatoes under lights, but want to try some new varieties this year. Grape tomatoes will definitely — perfect for oven roasting! Collards, chard, peppers, summer squash, cukes, zucchini and lettuces will be started under lights. In March sometime, I’ll direct seed broccoli rabe, radishes, peas and onion sets. Pole and bush beans later on. I’ve found that soaking or pre-sprouting seeds in wet paper towels and then transplanting makes a huge difference in germination rate and pre-sprouting spinach in the fridge is key.
I’ve already started some leeks, chiles, and broccoli. Tomatoes, eggplants, and basil to follow. I’ve been trying microgreens. They don’t yield much, but it’s so nice to having something fresh and green in January.
I don’t know which plants I’m excited about for this summer, but I am excited to switch over [almost] completely to heirloom varieties.
I am so excited for gardening season this year, I actually sat down and started to plan out my garden yesterday! This year I’ve actually got time to really devote to my garden and I can’t wait!!
Double joy. Incredibly beautiful seed packaging and exquisitely gorgeous vegetables!
Studying for my RHS level 2 exam has made me a theroy gardener! I need to do some practicle garden and what better way to start.
One of the new things we’re growing this year is saffron. I’ve got happy little sprouts already!
I’ll be starting lettuce, spinach, radish, carrots, and pretty much every other salad ingredient in the next coming months! Can’t wait for warmer weather and fresh foods from my patio!
These packets are beautiful! The only thing I have started so far is an urge to dig in the dirt. Spring seems so far away but seeing these seed packets make my mouth water and my fingers itching to get planting.
Your blog has inspire me to move to a new location and start my small dream garden and to have a place I always wanted to have………
Pumpkins and gourds, parsley, and cilantro. I’ve also grown the Mexican sour gherkin from seed. I heard someone once refer to it as a mouse melon!
I just charted out my square foot gardens the other day. I’m planning on carrots, lettuces, kale, dill, cilantro, chard, pole beans, bush beans, and snap peas from seed. I’m not planning on starting them until March, and there’s three feet of snow on the ground, but I’m already impatient.
Those packages are gorgeous!
I miss the warmth and sunshine!! I am looking forward to spring and seeing some life come back to my little yard.
I was impressed with the progress that my garden has made in the last few years. It went so well last year I was able to provide veggies for my family and also my mother and 3 sisters family all summer long! It brought me so much joy. I love that my garden was able to provide so much food for my family so cheaply,always a plus! Food tastes so much better then what I can get in the stores around here.
I am looking into getting a plot at the local community garden. I want to grow corn, pumpkins and/or squash, and eggplant in addition to my usual tomatoes, peppers, jalepenos, lettuce, green beans, peas, radishes, cucumbers, strawberries, and many many herbs.
This year I will be making my first attempt at canning. To get me through next winter! Right now I am regretting not doing it last summer. =(
I love your website and books. They provide so much information for me and I tell all of my family and friends about them whenever gardening comes up!
Thanks for doing what you do!
Seeds and art – what a winning combo. Thanks for sharing, Gayla.
Thanks for this drawing because I’d never heard of Hudson Valley Seed Library!!
Last year was the first year I successfully started seeds indoors. Not having a greenhouse or much natural light I put the containers inside clear plastic bins and carted them in and outside when the weather was warm. My micro-mini greenhouses worked really well. Unfortunately my Dad dropped my butternut, pumpkin and yellow squash container and they got all mixed up. I gave a lot of those away and had to say I had no idea which they’d get. I still have a LOT of butternut and pumpkin! its yummE!
In Autumn I tried to clone my heirloom tomatoes but the cuttings didn’t take. That’s ok… I’ll start from seed again this year.
Thanks to Adam Noble’s comment above I looked up courgettes to find out that’s another name for zucchini. Hopefully I’ll have more courgettes THIS year than last… what a measly crop that was.
I have big plans for this year’s garden so I’d love to win this drawing and start seeds from Hudson Valley Seed Library. I think I’ll have to decoupage something with the packages because they are so artsy!
Beautiful packages!! You’re right Gayla, having a couple pots of seeds starting really helps shake off the winter blues.
I’ve never grown Heirloom seeds before but plan to try. Seed catalogs are the highlight of the long winter months here in Michigan.
Thanks for a great blog!
This is a great give away. It’s been a long winter in Wyoming and I’m ready for some green. I plan to start butternut, acorn and summer squash next week.
Thanks! I’m hoping to grow cherry tomatoes and lettuces.
i am about to do my seed inventory and figure out what i have left over… a little tight on money these days, aso whatever i have is what i will plant. i believe i still have some purple cherokee tomato seeds, so definitely gonna plant those. i always have some little tiny red peppers planted that pack a serious punch. one pepper in your pasta sauce and you are set! i think i have some ground cherries, sugar baby watermelons, and mixed greens.
So excited to find this website! I am brand new to gardening and pretty green to green thumbing. Your site is really helping inspire me. Thanks.
Ohhhh – those are beautiful! I’m so excited for this year’s growing season because I FINALLY got a plot at the local community garden to supplement by 6’X3′ one in the backyard. If only the snow here in DC would stop!
When I first started gardening, I always bought seedlings at my local nursery and planted them. Now, I start almost everything from my own seed–either purchased or saved from previous harvests. I currently have onion seedlings on my kitchen windowsill and I’m starting tomato and peppers this weekend in my greenhouse. I love starting my vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers from seeds now that I know how.
Real stuff at a reall time – rally! <3
I’d love to win these seeds! I’m about to buy (after months of waiting) an old farmstead. Lots of work to do to reclaim it, and clear away/recycle old broken-down buildings, but first project will be to set up raised beds (using old tractor tires lying around), and plant a herb garden, as well as tomatoes, peppers,zucchini and pumpkins. The only seeds I have at present are ones I’ve harvested from heirlooms in previous years (toms, pumpkins). This prize would help start my vegetable project in a really beautiful way.
Oooh, I’m spending the day today fantasizing about planting our garden in our new home. (Ignoring the 12 inches+ of snow piled up in the yard)
Well I certainly can’t pass this up!
This year I’m trying to strike a good balance between what is needed for the seed bank and what I want to grow. Generally they go hand in hand, but I’m finding with half the gardening space I’ve been used to a little frustrating. I mentioned to somebody that I “only had room for about 30 tomato varieties this year” and they looked at me like I was nuts.
I plan to start onions, leeks, and celeric
I have my first grow light and yard this year, I dream about gardening. I usually grow herbs, or start plants from the seeds of foods I eat (lemon, grapefruit etc), or collect seeds from along the street… in public gardens… my dad also shares with me from his own small “victory garden”.
I’m planning on ordering all heirloom vegetables for my garden this year, as well as heirloom flowers. The landlords support it!
I just started my leeks today! In a few more weeks, I will be starting tomatoes, peppers, peas, onions, potatoes, and herbs for my patio garden.
I’ve already started the following…
Leek ‘Lyon 2 Prizetaker’
Onion ‘Red Baron’
Tomato ‘Sungold F1’
Wow that’s a lot of comments! I’m only planning to start some herbs this year. Limited room and funds. :(
How cool is that? What a neat company!
Ohhhh — they look so lovely — I’m going to try and grow little zuchs among regular perennials this year…
Hi from Finland!
I gave you “the Versatile Blogger”-award. If you want to, you can collect it from my blog http://kolmannenkerroksenviidakko.blogspot.com/2011/01/hys-hys.html. You should now confess 7 things and send this to max. 15 blogs that deserve it.
I don’t know exactly what I’ll plant until I visit the local seed swap. Always some heirloom tomatoes, squashes and beans available. Last year I got what I thought was butternut squash that turned out to be buttercup squash. A pleasant surprise.
As if I need more seeds, but I neeeeeed mooooore seeeeeds!
I will be moving this spring – to location as yet undetermined. Hopefully if it’s early enough in the growing season I can start a small garden anyway – definitely herbs, tomatoes, maybe some perennials?
I started tons of seeds indoors one year and it became too big of a project for me to handle as they needed transplanting to larger pots. SO, this year, I have decided to start only tomatoes (unless I sucker myself into more, as does often happen) to save space and time. I simply can’t wait for the ground to thaw so I can feel my hands in the dirt once more!
I started cherry tomatos, green onions, cabbage, roma tomatos, bush beans and carrots just today in an egg carton. I have ordered more seeds today and can’t wait until they get here so I can get those in the dirt. I am expanding my spring garden this year to include corn, yellow squash, watermelon and cucumbers among a few new things (for me). :) Thanks
Gorgeous, gorgeous. What a fantastic collaboration.
Lithops soon, hopefully. Also three tomato types (chocolate cherry, black krim and speckled roman) and about twelve types of basil. I’ve never grown tomatoes from seed, and I’m already getting antsy to try.
In Alaska, we still have a few months before we can start with seeds, but I’m looking forward to my first year of gardening here after moving back from South Carolina. Hooray for exciting seed packets!
My first year growing from seeds! Starting onion, leeks, and lettuce next week. Will be planting carrots & radishes in the garden in March.
This is the second year that I have started from seed and I already have some sprouts for several varieties of heirloom tomatoes, some peppers, and basil!
Great art on the packages. Our seeds are here and just waiting to start later in March. Some favourites, Small Fruited Mixed tomatoes and Sunny Delight Patty Pan squash. Just prepared a wonderful pot of chilli, made from frozen tomatoes and peppers from last season’s garden.
Last year was my first gardening year–the only thing I planted from seed was some red beans, right from the pack of dried beans in my cupboard (that was the most magic I’ve ever been part of). This year I’ve plans for much more, but I haven’t made any decisions yet.
I’m planting all heirloom and open pollinated seed this year. I purchased my seeds from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange because they have varieties that are proven to work in the hot, humid summers of the Mid-Atlantic. This year, in addition to all the usual veggies, I am trying pineapple ground cherries and bread seed poppies. I’m excited for my fiance and his father to build me a salad table for my birthday so I can have some more room in the raised beds for a few more goodies!
I am always ambitious when looking at the seed catalogues but impatient when it comes to planting and tending the seedlings. This year I am going to concentrate on one type of seed at a time, starting with Echinacea. When those seedlings are mature, I’ll move on to something else.
I love to garden, and since we moved to South Carolina, have really enjoyed seeing plants that in Connecticut woukd be annuals return as biennals and beyond. This year I hope to start my moon flowers from seeds…not an easy job!! But..tomorrow will be 65 degrees and the robins are here so welcome spring!!
I am looking forward to planting a ton of seeds ahead of time this year instead of having to buy plants this year. It takes a lot of extra work to grow a large garden in Northern Minnesota!
On the sunniest area of our garden sits a shed. This year, we are moving the shed so that we can start growing more of our own food. I want to try growing melon and beets.
I wouldn’t mind a little help with my spring garden!
This will be my first year of container gardeneing and I am hoping to have tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and herbs! I love your site – so much information that I need and can put to good use.
This season I will be planting cilantro, chives, basil and black-eyed susans from seed. I have a little garden already started but I am ridiculously excited to add these in!
planning to start a vegetable garden outside our new apt!
I love the artwork that goes into the Hudson Valley Seed Library art packs.
Like you, I just got my very own yard. I’ll be growing basil, cilantro, dill, tomatoes, eggplant, spinach, mesclun, roquette, various squash (pumpkin, delicata, acorn), garlic and hopefully potatoes. I’ll also grow a medicinal garden. Feverfew, cat nip, lemon balm and some others.
Seeeeeeeeeeeeds! I’d really love to win some. I’m a novice gardener with a small space and your blog is a real inspiration!
I haven’t decided yet but definitely want to try a variety of salad greens this year. Thanks
How timely, cuz I was just collected some Eccremocarpus scaber seed yesterday and intended to figure out if I should start them from seed in a tray, or just saw directly in the ground. I’m still getting crap about starting Cerinthe in a tray last year. Out here in by Ocean Beach, SF..I find peas, broccoli, lettuce do well, and would probably start those from seed… Matti
I’m in love with that packaging. Seed packets are exciting enough as they are, so this just takes them to a whole new level.
This year, I’m planning to concentration on greens in my kitchen garden. I grew kale and swiss chard for the first time last year and my husband and I have really grown to love it. It’s so convenient!
I am planning on starting my first garden in a new house in Northern New Jersey. Your book has been a great help and the seed packet would be icing on the cake. The house is just below the Hudson Valley region so the seeds would work well. Thanks for your help so far!
So far, my plan is to grow tomatoes, cilantro, greens, and summer squash from seed this year. After checking out Hudson Valley’s web site, I’m adding Aunt Molly’s ground cherries to my list.
Oh, how exciting! What with Missouri buried under an uncharacteristic amount of snow right now, it’s hard to believe that spring will ever arrive.
I’m all about tomatoes, with some green and yellow squashes, peppers, jalapenos and cantaloupe mixed in for good measure!
Wow!! What an awesome giveaway!!
This will be my first summer with a HUGE backyard just asking to have a bunch of veggie gardens dug into it!!
Here’s my list…..so far!!
Purple broccoli, black peppers, loofah gourds, jack be little pumpkins, purple beans, red carrots, purple carrots, turnips, radishes, zucchini, cukes, tomatoes, hot peppers, a few herbs…..I may have forgotten a few…haha!
I can’t wait to plant lettuces, herbs and peppers! I just love this time of year! It’s filled with anticipation!
I’m so thankful for those who had the foresight to protect heirloom varieties! I plan to try seed saving for the first time this year.
i’m gonna grow my own loofahs!
We’ve got a lot on our plate for the garden this year, as throughout the winter months we’ve been adding to our collection of seeds. At the very least, we will have: 4 different hot peppers, bell peppers, 3 different tomatoes, basil, sage, thyme, parsley, mint, leeks, 2 different lettuces, radishes, carrots, nasturtiums, Johnny Jump Ups, tomatillos… the list goes on and on!
Started a bunch of white and red alpine strawberries (little aromatic, candy-like berries) and thought they wouldn’t germinate (supposed to be difficult)
Now got 175 very tiny individual plants in peat pellets, and will have to give a lot of them away in a couple of months… haha… be careful what you wish for.
Gayla: I love your web site and your books. Thanks for sharing your love of gardening. I am learning about the dangers of GMO’s. I am trying to do everything organically.
Indoors – I will try to start some peppers again this year. Outdoors in my zone 4 garden – I will plant onions, kohlrabi, green beans, radishes, pumpkins and lots of zinnias to keep the butterflies around.
The seed packets are beautiful. . . art and gardening – you gotta love it!
I plan on starting mostly flowers and veggies that I can grow in pots this year since we will be moving this summer to a new house. I want to get a jump start on the new flower beds.
I truely enjoy reading your site.
I think that’s very generous of you, Gayla!
I have a balcony garden facing North, so my space and light is limited but I like to experiment on this.
I plan to try new herbs, Indian basil (Tulasi), the green and the purple one, too. I’d like to have tomatoes (the kind is not yet decided, it is my main experiment whic one will fit here..) and spinach as new. And violas, I love them.
I’m also hooked on the idea to plant Borago officinalis. I read an article on edible flowers and that is what I’m definitely having this year. I am fascinated with the idea to have flowers in the salad! :)
Wow – I found your site from a tweet. What a great find. I had my husband build me a 10 X 10 square raised bed last summer. We have been adding different mixtures of soil.
I have no clue where to go from here – I have orderd your book. I am excited, maybe I can grow a few vegetables.
I will be back to read more.
Hey Gayla!
First, let me say that I just found your website this past week, and I simply love it. I have read and read and read! It feels like the first time when as a child, I began reading the Narnia series , I just could not put it down. I like many, would love to have a 30 acre farm if I could afford it! What I do have, is a small share of my wonderful neighbors garden. They were kind enough to allow me to plant on half of their site. I have found that the kindness and generosity of those who are “gardeners” at heart, is beyond anything money could buy. Thanks for creating a site that exemplifies that.
Beautiful seeds in beautiful packs. I confess to being a seed pack saver…would love to win!
I’ve started Black Plum and Black Pear Tomatoes so far from seed and have a wishlist about 3 feet long others. I just got my grow lights up and running, so I’m ready.
Thank you for all the inspirational and educational reading!
The seed packets are lovely! This week, I plan to start broccoli, cabbage, and parsley. Over the next few months, I’ll start quite a few other goodies, namely tomatoes, peppers, and lettuce. This year I plan to try growing a few different types of flowers from seed as well. The “You Grow Girl” book was a big help to me last season, and I know it’ll come in handy this season as well. :)
After hours of pouring over seed catalogs, our selections have finally arrived. This year our goal is to be nearly self-sustaining with our community plot. We’re even considering the task of maintaining a second plot in another garden. We’ll be coaxing Dragon’s Tongue beans, Green Zebra tomatoes, Traveler Jalepenos, and Cascadia peas to spring forth from the earth, just to name a few. The sight of all the tiny seedlings packed in front of our window really cuts the chill of winter for me.
Going at my first attempt at container gardening this year! Going to try some tomatoes, peppers, and radishes along with varietal herbs I do every year! Just need to figure out what kinds.
I’m so excited about gardening this year. New zone, new house, 4 acres…
OHHHHHHHH! I’m itching to start peas, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce here in Colorado!!
Beautiful giveaway !
Along with our regular heirloom brandywines and all, this year we are going to try some mushroom spores.
Also castor bean seeds again for the mole control.
Right now I have been throwing poppy seeds on top of the snow.
Hi Gayla-I got my first order of seeds this week from Seed Savers-Brussels Sprouts, 5 color silver beet, Cherokee Purple and a yellow tomato (the name slips my mind), and 2 kinds of peppers. I can’t remember the names either but I am very excited.
We have over 30 different tomato varieties to start. I don’t know how we are going to fit them all in our yard!
I’m starting heirloom tomatoes and sweet peppers this week!
Oooooh, pretty, pretty packets.
I’m planning on growing basils, oodles and oodles of basils. And butterfly flowers. And maybe a few tea herbs. Those are probably the only things I’ll start from seed; most of my stuff is perennials.
Of course, my blueberries are already blooming, as is my White Sapote, and my low-chill peach and nectarine are budding out. Spring comes earlier down here.
oh my gosh! where to start? i have already started a few onions (red globe and bedfordshire) and leeks (durabel) even though i know i shouldn’t because its too early. what can i say…i had the itch!
i just completed my very first seed swap with a stranger on myfolia and i am the proud new owner of some black krim and green zebra tomato seeds in exchange for some red fife wheat. yay! free seeds are awesome :)
Oh. My. I am in love with the packet designs. (Don’t pick me for the giveaway, though…I just wanted to tell you how much I love the design!) I’m growing 160 varieties of heirloom tomatoes, 50 varieties of heirloom peppers, 60+ varieties of heirloom culinary and medicinal herbs, and some gorgeous heirloom flowers and fraise des bois, both yellow and red alpine strawberries. I am so, so lucky to to grow for my business–I’m growing adorable little babies in the dead of winter, when we’re all anxiously awaiting spring! Happy planting!
What fabulous packaging!!! I love hierloom veggies! I’m planning on planting lots of stuff from seeds in our garden this year. Radish, greens, beets, squash, cucumbers, herbs. How I love to dream of spring gardening…but some how in my dreams it is lot more perfect…less mud, bugs & sunburn.
what nice packets! I plan to sow wild flowers and cilantro.
I’d love to try growing ground cherries this year!
Very excited about spring! Gonna try something new this year with potatoes, in trash cans. Fun fun!
I can’t win this one because of NZ’s strict biosecurity rules, but I thought I’d share my winter garden plans anyway. While I’m just beginning to harvest this summer’s bounty, I’ve also just ordered my first batch of winter seeds: kohlrabi (Emerald and Early Purple Vienna), a new kind of rhubarb, brussels sprouts (Long Island Improved, Red Ribs, and Jade), tomatillo, Violet Sicilian cauliflower, and I’m trying out the Purplette onions I first read about those on this website!.
And I’ve recently discovered the Koanga Institute (www.koanga.org.nz) and am thinking of getting a membership to have access to their heirloom varieties.
Just found your blog today. Hope to learn a thing or two and get growin’ :)
I try to start all of my veg from seed. I even did Artichoke last year, which was not entirely a success. I’m going to try the artichokes again this year, and maybe some tomatillos… we’ll see. Herbs, definitely.
Right now, we’re starting lots of different onion seeds here. Red Creole, Shimonita Negi, Kyoto Kujo Negi, our old favorite Heshiko bunching, a few more cultivars over the past few weeks… Lots and lots. This year, we are also working on a larger collection of wildflowers. Trying a few new cucurbits – I collect them from all over, that’s my favorite area… We garden on 3 acres – so we have to start as much as we can from seed.
This year we moved to Boston from Wisconsin and so we are starting with a brand new garden in a brand new space in a brand new state. These seeds would be such a great way to start out our new garden : )
Hooray for a giveaway!
I’m planning on radishes, peas, a variety of lettuces and sprouts, as well as tomatoes. (When I lived in Arizona, I failed at tomatoes every year. Now that I’m in Boston, I’m hoping the weather will help turn my luck around.) I’m thinking I may also try some new plants that I haven’t done before…maybe broccoli…garlic?
Just stumbled across your excellent blog, very interesting, keep up to the good work; you’re clearly very passionate about gardening.
P.S. I don’t suppose you could ship the seeds to the UK should I be fortunate enough to win??? :-)
Those packages are beautiful!
I am actually being a bit more adventurous this year – I plan to try growing small pumpkins and small watermelons on trellises!
It is icy and snowy here but the seed catalogs have arrived. I’m dreaming of fresh peas and carrots, yum, yum, and later green beans and red peppers… :-)
Seeds will help fulfill dreams.
Thanks for the contest and the wonderful website.
I can’t wait to start planting my first vegetable garden this spring!!
I would love to start some herbs.
I collected some wild milkweed seeds in the fall that I would like to get started soon. Milkweed fluff ftw!
Was pleased to see you will be in Denver, which is beautiful in June–peony time here on the high plains.
Just getting into seeds, as I have always wanted plants that come up every year. Those and a few tomatoes. And some salad greens. And something bright for the hummers. And some parsley for butterflies. And some good bee attractors. . .and some seeds!
Franny: I’m really looking forward to Denver. I’m so excited about the alpine plants. I hear the Denver Botanic has a fantastic garden.
I’ve got several small envelopes of tomato seeds I’m going to start under lights this year, even though my tomato crop last year was not very happy. This year I promise to water less.
I haven’t started any seeds yet this year, too early here in zone 5b, but I’m already devising ways to get a couple more stations going in my small house! That way I can get some veggies growing in the front yard too!
Yay a giveaway! I’ve been cultivating information on starting a garden here on Oahu…
Ooh so exciting! I’m just started to plan my garden for this summer!
I’ve been staring at my small table in front of the kitchen window for weeks now and have finally decided to try sprouting lettuce and such there, as seen in your “grow great grub” book Gayla! It’s a small start but hopefully choosing something relatively foolproof will spur me on to greater things.
This will be my first year planting a garden from seed! I am doing it with a good friend and we are both excited to start this process and to grow our own, organic veggies and herbs! We will be planting tomatoes, beans, peppers and several different herbs.
I like gardening a little but I LOVE your seed packs.
I would incorporate the packs into an art work. Then
I would plant the seeds!
Would love to get my hands on the seed packs.
I’m excited about planting some fish pepper seeds and some sweet potato pumpkin (cushaw) seeds!
These are such lovely Art Packs. The other gift packs are wonderful too. I haven’t had a ton of luck starting from seed but I’m going to work harder at it this year.
i just recently discovered how much i love kale! i want to try to start kale this year. super excited!
I try to start all of my vegetables from seed, have better luck with some than others. Every year I try to grow something new, but have not decided on my “new” item yet this year!
Cool! I’ve been looking at seeds online, and catalogging what I have leftover from last year! I can’t wait for Spring!!! I am determined to grow soybeans and broccoli this year :D
Really want to be successful at radishes this year.
I’m a new gardener that recently moved to the country (read 5 acres) and I need help starting my spring garden!
After not being able to plant a garden last year due to the birth of my twin daughters in Spring:) I am so excited to start planning for this years garden! Especially with organic and heirloom seeds/plants! I am so glad I came across your site!
What colorful seed packets!! I love art and I love gardening and when two things I love combine it’s like magic :) Sadly, and excitingly, I will be out of town for almost two months this summer touring Europe! I don’t know if I’ll get much planted, but I definitely need to plant some tomatoes and peppers. I also wanted to try some of the flower seeds that have been piling up in my closet. I’ve never tried flowers from seed so it will be an adventure!
We’re expecting more snow tomorrow. The last snow hasn’t melted. It’s been a day of family responsibilities (MIL in hospital, pick up daughter and friends from school) and trying to finish a piece I’m writing.
This is going to be redesign year in my garden — beating back the raspberries that have become a little too dominant, and making a new plan. The garden is roughly of the same outline it was when I bought this house 5 years ago, and this will be the year I put my own stamp on it in a bigger way.
In the meantime, going to plant some shamrocks, to get ready for St. Patrick’s Day!
I am looking forward to creating a garden this year. I am trying to create a garden that is not only beautiful but functions as a food source for my huge family. With 4 kids, finding outside activities that everyone can participate in and enjoy can be a challenge. I believe creating a garden would be a great family activity that’s fun, functional, and educational!
I’m a beginner gardener and last year I took the plunge and started my seeds indoors. I had such good luck that I would like to branch out with some heirloom varieties. I will start with purple cherokee tomatoes and matt’s wild cherry tomatoes. I am thinking of starting some flower seeds indoors as well but I have to finish drooling over my seed catalogs first.
I plan to start a rooftop city garden in pots this spring with hot and sweet peppers, herbs, cucumbers and whatever else strikes me as fun/possible.
WOW! The art on the packaging is GORGEOUS!!
I’m starting my first garden in my first home this spring. And I just found out that i’m growing a baby too! There will be lots of seeds sprouting for me this winter. My partner helped me build 5 raised beds in our sunny, lawny-y backyard, and one around the porch at the front of our house that I hope to have perennials in. I can’t wait to grow tomatoes, cukes, eggplant, chard, kale, and dried beans that I grew with my students in our little school plot for the last two years. In the middle of frosty winter, i’m happy to start dreaming about spring.
Yum can’t wait to plant some greeeeeeeeeeens!!!! (Actually already began, put in some collards yesterday!)
After reading “City Farmer” by Lorraine Johnson my goal is to grow Montreal Melons this summer! That not all…I’m also going to try some heirloom varieties of Kale in (gasp) the FRONT YARD!
Seed time at last! Out with frost and down with Winter!!! Currently my basement has been transformed into a subterrania seedling paradise and I could certainly use more seeds, especially those that come in such marvellous packaging!Huzzah!
This year I will plant all different types of lettuce and tomatoes. Plenty of herbs too.
I especially love the Kaleidoscope Carrot package! I’ll be traveling west for this coming growing season and would love to take these beautiful seeds along!
I am excited this year to try luffa, and asparagus peas!! And for tomatoes that taste like something. Dear god, how I miss tomatoes that taste like something.
Going to start my warm weather seeds soon!
Wow this would be so cool to win. I’m a novice Gardner bitten by the garden bug last summer. I live in a south facing ground floor condo and am eager to grow more flowers , fruit and veggies in my small patch of heaven this year. Reading your website and researching the possibilities fills me with excitement for spring. Took a peak in my Garden today and saw the first lovely green shoots of some bulbs I potted up in Fall, soon I keep telling myself soon it will be spring and there is so much more to come :)
Thank you!
Artichokes and Lemon cucumbers…ummmmm
Thank you for offering a fortunate recipient this nice gift. I would choose foods that can be grown in containers (apartment living) and those that boost the immune system due to my personal medical condition. I just finished your book Grow Great Grub that I checked out from the library. Thank you for sharing such great information!
Oh man, I would LOVE to win this! This will be my first year to have my very own vegetable garden and I’m so excited. My husband is building my raised beds this weekend and I’ve been scouring for information about the best ways to do everything. Just finished reading your book and I *think* I’m ready to take the plunge and start my seeds!! :)
I’m in zone 5, so I’m just now starting to go through my seed catalogs. An added complication this year is that we will be listing our house to sell and perhaps moving. But I have no idea when it will sell, if it does, so I’m planning my garden anyway and I will plant as if we will not be moving. It would be a shame to miss a whole season if the house doesn’t sell until fall and I had nothing planted. So, my goal this year will be to do as many early spring crops and short-maturing plants, like cherry tomatoes or paste tomatoes.
Megan: I was in your shoes last year. Definitely go ahead with your garden! Things never work out as planned and it’s always better to have that garden, even if you have to move some things and leave others behind.
I’m going to be starting several varieties of heirloom tomatoes soon, some hot and sweet peppers, sugar baby watermelon, and giant zinnias.
Heirloom tomatoes and basil of course, and for the first time brussel sprouts. My fingers are just itching to get started!
I am traditionally a vegetable/perennial gardener.
The addition of beautiful zinnias to my garden last year inspired me to add more flowers this year, so I have purchased heirloom hollyhock and viola seeds.
I plan on planting herbs, tomatoes, and peppers to share!
I would love to win…I would like to plant a salsa garden this year…and then make salsa and send everyone home with a jar…wish me luck!
I would love to win. I would like to plant a salsa garden, then I could make salsa and give jars to my children when they come to visit. Wish me luck!!!
This is a very nice seed company. I bought some of these for my sister for Xmas a year ago after you wrote about these another time. Love to get some for myself!
Last year we grew our veggies in a modified canoe in our sunny backyard. We would love to try some new seeds in the canoe this year!
What gorgeous seed packets, love the artwork! I actually wait until it is warm enough to sow vegetable seeds straight into the soil for my garden on the Oregon coast. Some of my favorite varieties (not heirloom) have been cucumber variety “Rocky” , a lovely little seedless salad-sized climber; “sugar dots” corn; french/filet bean “nickel”; “Oregon sugar pod II” snow peas,
thank you for this generous offer of seeds! I am in icy PA, awash in gray light. when it shines, the sun is low and silver. but there is a noticeable warmth next to the window where I will start some Italian flat leaf parsley soon. and Romanesco, the chartreuse crucifer with little spirals. and I will be lining up the packets of tat soi, arugula, spinach, collard, and snap peas to be ready for St Patty’s day when they go in the ground, even under snow cover! all the best
Anxiously waiting on some Joe pye weed and Monarda.
It seems that your randomizer has it’s work cut out, judging from the number of responses.
How cool! I just ran across your website, and I’m so excited. I want to start small with gardening, and I am looking at your books as well. Can’t wait! I would love to win the seeds so I can get started this year. The packaging is beautiful!!!
Melissa :-)
I want to start an edible flower garden this spring. :)
I really enjoy your blog and your books! This year, I plan to try spinach, bell peppers, which have done beautifully the last 3 years, swiss chard and watermelon. I’m in a community garden and will hopefully get a 4th bed this spring. Thanks.
This will be my first year to garden…at 49 years old!! I am excited and nervous at the same time. : )
Wow, that’s a lot of comments!
What can I say…
What a fun offer! I need the inspiration/motivation! My goal is to turn part of my front yard into a garden, and I need some help!
I’m also looking forward to spring seed time. I have a bunch of packets i purchased last year when they went on sale. So this year i’m looking forward to trying to get some Icelandic poppies to take, along with morning glory and sweet runner pees. I also have a couple native seeds that were sent to me from a friend in BC which include, Indian paintbrush and chocolate lilies. I don’t know how well those two will take, but its worth a try!
I’m excited about container gardening this year (we used to have a community garden plot last time we gardened in earnest) and to grow cherry tomatoes, nasturtiums, morning glories and moon flowers and herbsherbherbs! My favorite green thing to grow are herbs. :)
Just started reading your blog after finding the link on Slow Love Life, and itt really gets the gardening juices flowing. Also, it’s good reading for a fellow northerner who is at odds with our 2011 winter!
Oh my gardens, these are beautiful and awesome and just what I needed to see while in the midst of a great big blizzard. Please, pick me!! I promise to plant and love and cherish and love and squeeze … oh wait… yeah, I’d love these little seeds!
highlights: peacevine cherry tomato!kurota chantenay carrot! dinosaur kale! renegade spinach! red metamorph marigold! tarahumara sunflower! thank you for all your Light and inspiration! heres to another beautiful growing season!
I’m going to start Sungold, Brandywine, and Roma tomatoes as well as peppers and eggplant.
I just stumbled upon your site and have bookmarked it already! What a great gardening site and full of so many beautiful pictures. These seed packets are so pretty too. I’m also giving my readers seed-starting advice: http://lifeovergradschool.com/2011/02/01/top-five-seed-sites/
Sounds like a wonderful company – I’ll definitely check them out. My fiance just set up a seed starting shelf for me and I’m going to be starting tomatoes for my community garden and red petunias for our yard.
Love your blog! I have been using your garden spreadsheet for a couple of years now with some modifications. Since I am Zone 5a I will be starting Tomatoes, Peppers and Broccoli soon then trying out my new homemade cold frame for hardening off the plants. Keep up the great blog! Thx Robert
Love your books and website! The seed packets are awesome and the give away is exciting
Love these seed packages, soo beautiful! I can’t get enough of heirloom tomatoes. Also plan on trying colorful carrots this year. Thanks for hosting this give-away!
I live in Canada, so won’t be starting anything for at least a few months, but I plan to start many varieties of Heirloom Tomatoes.
This year I am excited to start (and soon) my heirloom lemon cucumbers (which I have become addicted to) and to finally grow Italian Ice and Black Pearl tomatoes (YUM!)
My favorite groundhog was out this morning and says we shall have an early spring. Great! Let me go check with the rabbits to see what kind of lettuces they would like planted this year.
I can’t wait for spring!
I really want my rhubarb to come up this year and I want to get some peppers growing from seeds. Very exited!
My Hydrofarm heat mats just arrived. I’m expecting a grow light in the mail any day. Planning to start two full trays this year, and expand next year if I have the money. SO EXCITED!!!
So exciting to just be thinking about seeds. I’ll get my tomato plants started around Valentine’s Day.
What a great idea! I’m starting seeds for my teeny balcony, which I intend to turn into an Amaranth/Tomato/Nasturtium jungle.
I want to grow dragon carrots this year. I hear carrots don’t do well replanting. I think I will start those yellow tomatoes that taste lemony – I can’t remember the name. I will have to look it up.
Well, I don’t have any specific intentions yet… I know I want to start some stuff from seed this year to do more heirloom varieties of vegetables. I’d love to try Romanesco. I’m waiting on my 1st seed catalogue to arrive – last year was our first garden, so I’m really just starting to get involved in all this growing business! Love it. :)
Lovely! I enjoy growing peppers and tomatoes. Nothing beats straight from the garden, but I also can and preserve for winter.
No seed starting for me this year – the only good spot is within the baby’s reach. But we’ll be planting bunches in the garden – greens, carrots, tomatoes, basil, cilantro, potatoes, onions….
Thanks for the giveaway!
I plan to start tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, onions, leeks, broccoli, brussels sprouts, lavender, echinacea, columbine, pansy, snapdragons, digitalis, sage, thyme, and marjoram indoors. Every year I try to prioritize things so that they’ll fit under my 3 florescent lights, but I fear that I’ll once again have to do the trick of leaving them on 24 hours a day and switching the flats of plants out every 12 hours.
What a great giveaway. We do everything from seed, except for onions and rosemary. In the next two months, though, I will be starting herbs and kale indoors. After that we’ll be knee deep in tomatoes, peppers, greens and squash seeds!
I’ve been fondling my seed catalogs but haven’t quite gotten to figuring out the order. We do mostly herbs and tomatoes in our garden, though I’m hoping this is the year we can branch out a little more.
This is my second year as a gardener. New to me this year will be fennel.
We want to explore square foot gardening this year, so we will be starting tomatoes indoors this year.
I’m excited to start tomato, bell pepper, and eggplant seeds. I usually don’t have much luck once I move them outside, but this year I’m determined to be successful! :)
yesterday we were in a meeting with the renowned nancy j. turner (google her if you don’t know, your world will open up!) and she gave us some camas and western buttercup seeds to start for the newly built gathering place/camosun college/victoria b.c.
super stoked! love your site, gayla!
What a beautiful way to start the growing season! I have just started my peas, beans, radishes and beets! Let the growing season start!
I’ve recently been specializing in anything that grows in a husk: tomatillos, ground cherries, Chinese lanterns. This year, I’m focusing on perennials, however, because I just moved into my new home and need to fill out the perennial beds. So heuchera and hellebore are at the top of the list.
I’ve been making my own specialty seed packs with artsy papers for years, giving them as gifts to other gardener friends. Your first book provided me with the plans for years of craftiness, Gayla!
I was trying to post on this last night and it wouldn’t let me. So I’m happy to see this morning it’s letting me post.
I cannot wait to start seeds of a mystery plant I found on a backroad I walked last summer. The street has alot of abandoned houses and one of them had the most beautiful 6 foot plant. I’m not sure what it’s called but it’s leaves are as big as my head. Anyways as fall came around I saw it was seeding. I gathered seeds and I’m so excited to grow this plant. I’ve never seen one like it!
-Sarah Fischer
The packet cover artwork is beautiful! My mom and I have yet to start things from seed ourselves (well, she did years ago, but I was too young to remember), so actually having these seeds would be a great opportunity for us to start doing that again. (We usually go to an organic greenhouse run by family friends to pick out young plants. Which I love doing! But seeds would be great too!)
I can’t resist. I’m in the Pacific NW where there’s no snow on the ground, but it’s bitingly cold. But the tips of bulbs are peeking through reminding me what goodness is in store. Seeds fill me with such a feeling of potential! Thanks for the fun giveaway.
Krista: I do know of her but for a different reason. She wrote one of my favourite books, “Edible Weeds of Canada”! Thanks for mentioning her name because I see now that she has written several books of interest.
I’ve received some “cow pots” to plant some seeds in, can’t wait to get started with them! Two weeks ago I planted the last of the cold weather plant (like assorted greens), by the time they’re ready to harvest it could be to warm to plant them without seeing them quickly bolt.
Hi there! I’m planning on salad greens, tomatoes, peppers, basil, melons…I’m in a new climate this season, so I’m looking forward to new growing adventures! :)
What a great giveaway! Come spring, lavender from seed is what I’m truly excited about. I can’t wait to get some teas & cookies going with it. =)
Others, but not from seed: lettuce & tomatoes.
Happy growing grow girl. Love the name, love the blog!
<3 Anastasia, from Can It You Nit. T: @canityounit
Pick me! We grow all our vegetables from seed, and we garden year-round in our greenhouse, but mainly winter/ cold tolerant veggies. However, this weekend we will begin our summer crops by planting our peppers and eggplants. what a timely giveaway! Thanks!
I start almost all my plants, vegetables and flowers annuals and some perennials from seed. I wonder if any of their varieties have a short enough season to fruit in my far northern garden:)
PS The art on the packets would be fabulous to see.
I hope to attempt to grow strawberries from seeds, though apparently it is very hard to do so, so wish me luck!
wow!! would love to win! Just started herbs inside for kitchen use…basil,chives, parsley and lettuce. Going to see how the lettuce does indoors for quick salads before season.
I love seed season..:0)
Oh lordy, whatta deal!
Thanks for the incentive to work on my growing-from-seed list. I wanted to finish it before entering the contest — it’s still not done but I’ve made a few commitments.
Here’s the current list-in-progress:
Rosa Bianca Eggplant (Cubit’s Organics)
Alma Paprika Pepper (Cubit’s Organics)
Lettuce, Sea of Red (Renee’s Garden)
Kale, Lacinato
Pole beans, Fortex Filet
– Gold Nugget Yellow Cherry (Cubit’s Organics)
– Aisla Craig (Two Wings Farm)
– Mountain Princess or Sophie’s Choice (Two Wings Farm)
Also, though I haven’t decided on the exact varieties yet, I’d like to grow the following from organic seeds: carrots, radishes, mixed Asian greens, mesclun, radicchio, calendula, sweet peas, nasturtiums.
I’ve never been this excited about “seed season”. I think the recent Twitter #seedchats have had an influence.
I have sadly just given up my community plot since we are moving soon, but I still have some herbs going indoors to get my fix. It would be awesome to have some fresh seeds to start fresh at our new place!
Love the seeds! I’m planning now and wanting to start now!! The freezing temps at night keep me in check though : )
Thanks for doing the giveaway with our seeds Gayla! It was great to read everyone’s comments and see that there are lots of seedy people out there!
Congrats to the winner!