As per usual I did not read instructions and jumped headfirst into converting Goldtop’s cute Seed-Starting Chart into little seedling pot tags. Turns out they are great for either purpose.

I printed mine on cardstock, cut them out, and attached to tongue depressors. I did not have anything important to write in the notes section so I wrote a mantra for my tomato in hopes that it will manifest itself into a successful tomato plant. “I am a very delicious tomato. Someday in the future, I will taste great on a sandwich.” I have asked it to repeat these lines 5 times each morning while looking in a mirror. Should do the trick, right?
Love this! Oof, I need to get my tomatoes started, time’s running out!
Thanks for the link – so much nicer than those plastic labels. I love things that beautify me day :o)
Hee hee! I love the mantra. I think my tomatoes could perhaps use a mantra. Now, where am I gonna get all those mirrors?
You might want to watch out for mold forming around the wood of the tongue depressor. I used
clean toothpicks for a flag type label and mold formed just around the toothpicks in my seedling cells. I guess it’s ok for plants, but not seedlings?
Now, did they all receive the same mantra to repeat, or did they each get their own? Like, “I am a unique purple tomato, I will grow ripe and fat and juicy and impress you with my flavour, eaten all by myself, or maybe with a tad of salt and pepper.”
Tina: I’ve done this sort of things lots of times and have never had a problem with it.
Assertagirl: They each require their own mantra. I like yours!
Like the tags! Though the white plastics are blah I still use them and cut the longer ones in half.
Special request for your readers!
I am looking for the lily Make Believe. It was selected here in Saskatchewan by Dr. Bert Porter. The Friends of Honeywood (his farm/orchard) are looking for it and are concerned that it may be gone for good.
I found this site that may have what you are looking for… this is a direct link to the auction for some seeds. Hope this helps
First thanks for looking! Sorry I should have said these were Asiatic? or species hybridized type. Here is the site about Dr. Porter.
Where did you get a cache of tongue depressors? That is a fabulous idea.
Jen: I often pass by a Surgical Supply Store. Although my neighbour says he saw some at a dollar store.
Very Creative! Tomatoes… sandwiches… you are making me hungry!