Last fall my friend Barry put me onto pots of green and purple ‘Holy’ basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) for sale at a neighbourhood Indian food store. ‘Holy’ basil, also known as Tulsi, is a beautiful herb that brightens a dull spot in the garden. It’s a tough, woody plant with textured leaves that can take a lot of heat and a little bit of drought, but I don’t recommend it if you’re looking to grow a culinary basil. It has a very potent smell and flavour and is more commonly used as a medicinal remedy than a meal enhancer.
I intended to post about the plant here months back, but as sometimes happens, I neglected to get a good photo before the frost hit and to top it off I left the plant outside to die rather than overwintering it indoors. And even though I wasn’t going to tell this part of the story, now that I’ve exposed my neglect, I feel a guilt-ridden need to explain that the reason I didn’t bring it inside was because we were going away for a month and I didn’t want to overburden my friends with millions of plants to keep alive on top of the thousands I already have.
Passively allowing tender plants to die outdoors at the end of the season is a gardeners’ dirty little secret. Just about everyone does it, but few admit it. Many of us feel guilty about it, although in my case I suspect it has more to do with throwing away money than intentionally killing a plant.
But I digress. What I really intended to say was that as luck might have it, a month or so after the “killing frost”, I came upon the plant in this photo, growing on a farm in St. Lucia. It may not have been my plant, but I got the photo I had hoped for. And like most basil plants grown in a tropical climate, the thing was huge, much larger than any basil I could grow here in Toronto.
You’re right, the ‘tulsi’ or Holy Basil is mostly used in teas to bring down a fever or coughs and colds. The doctors and scientists seem to be finding more things that the tulsi is good for almost everyday. The last I checked, it was found to be a great anti-stress herb and also a good anti-cholesterol agent.
It is practically indestructible here in India and just about every rural hindu home has a tulsi altar (yes, altar!)in the courtyard.
i really appreciate your plant killing confessions this week. aside from being mildly hilarious, they make me feel a little less guilty.
A nice coincidence, yesterday I was given a lovely Indian painting of a Holy man watering Tulsi. My friend said it reminded her of me. I’d better get out my dhoti.
I saw this gorgeous herb a lot when I was in India – is it the same basil from which the essential oil is made, I wonder? It has the most remarkable fragrance.
Ahh, purple basil…I’ve seen some wonderful basil ‘shrubs’ grown in the garden in Ontario & am slightly jealous. The slugs would have a hay-day if I tried that out here on the coast – so it lives in my greenhouse. Will have to try some Tulsi to see if it survives the deer buffet…
I just went to India and there are fields of Tulsi there. They make all sorts of necklaces from beads made with it’s wood. I wear mine every day! Barry time to break out your dhoti and I’ll wrap my sari.