Plexiglas Planter


Okay so the succulents are half-dead and it’s actually a corny window display for a glasses store but this shallow Plexiglas planter box found while walking through Portland, Oregon is at heart a good idea. Shallow-rooted succulents like hens and chicks would do well in a container like this — the store owner just didn’t realize that easy-care doesn’t mean, “Ignore it and it will take care of itself.”

I’m not 100% positive as to how this was made but my guess would be that the maker very simply glued together some cut pieces of Plexiglas with water-proof silicone. You would need to apply the silicone both inside and outside of the seams to seal it tight.

Plexiglas Planter

The biggest issue with a project like this is the lack of drainage which can be easily fixed by drilling a few holes in the bottom. Or if you’re growing indoors where water dripping all over the place is a teeny, tiny problem then you can put some aquarium gravel in the bottom as a reservoir and take care not to overdo it when watering.

Gayla Trail
Gayla is a writer, photographer, and former graphic designer with a background in the Fine Arts, cultural criticism, and ecology. She is the author, photographer, and designer of best-selling books on gardening, cooking, and preserving.

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