It’s been a while now since our trip to Santiago de Cuba but I think I took this at Jardin Gran Piedre which is located in an old coffee plantation near the top of a mountain.
I got sidetracked in one of my Cuba photos folders this morning and put a few garden pictures up in my Flickr account. These are not “good” pictures so please don’t expect the kind of quality you see here. They are taken with a crappy little point and shoot digital I use for “documenting” things of interest that I couldn’t be bothered to take time with.
More Cuba photos: Anthurium | Cactus Cans | Euphorbia Fence | Shade House | Bromeliad | Cactus Garden | Tree of Tillandsia | Tillandsia Clusters | Agave | Giant Cactus on a Hill | Sugar Cane or King Grass | Flowering Aloe Vera | Tree Fern | Fresh Cacao | Screw Pine
Beautiful blooms. Is that a Calliandra surinamensis pink powderpuff or whatever name it is referred to.
I’m not sure if this is the same one but to be honest I just don’t know.