I bought another box of pansies yesterday. This new batch falls primarily within a blacks, dark purples and reds colour palette. Some are frilly.
In case you are interested they are as follows: ‘Panola Fire,’ ‘Imperial Antique Shades,’ ‘Frizzle Sizzle Mix’ (for shizzle!), and ‘Accord Black Beauty.’
To catch you up, that makes my forth purchase within the span of a week. At the very least we should be enjoying an abundance of colourful salads this season.
And that is all I have to say about that. As you were.
I think we’ve discovered a new form of infectious disease, one that is transmitted through not airborne or bloodborne pathogens but pictures on a screen! I have red, purple, yellow and really tiny white violets, but now I’m imagining pansies and violets elsewhere in my yard(s)
You have an addiction. I think you need to get to a meeting as soon as possible.
hahaha a pansies anonymous meeting.
I don’t blame you! Such happy little faces in such a variety of colors. :)
I love pansies! You’ve reminded me with this post to pick some up tomorrow.
Glad to know I’m not the only one with an addiction! I brought some home yesterday and will have to coddle them indoors for a few weeks yet.
Sure a “pansy addiction” is laughable for you ladies, but imagine a big manly-man like me having to admit I like the bright yellow ice pansies… …but ohhhhh, they smell like roses, no? On a time management note, don’t forget all of that time you’ll have to spend deadheading hundreds of pansies to extend their season… like… I did LAST year.
Oh dear. Whether a highly contagious virus or an addiction, I’m not sure I want to resist or overcome “Violaphilia”.
i say we stage an intervention. i’ll hold the box of pansies while you guys pin her down. let… go… of… the… box…
Sign me up for the next meeting, but I think I’ll have to wait, even on the pansies. We are expecting lows in the 30s in my neck of the woods for the next couple of nights … sigh. It’s been a loooong winter that can’t seem to let go.
After much effort, I managed to beat my addiction. Today I finally left the garden section of Home Depot, with only $80 in damage — new plants, potting soil, and a nifty new spray bottle. Well, maybe I didn’t beat my addiction; I just sated it for the day.
I think you need therapy!!!!
the bug has surely hit – just finished planting all my pansys/sorbet/violas but have to go to the nursery today for soil – no doubt I will come home with another boxful…
~plantgirl of http://www.squarefootgardenblog.com
it’s quite the beautiful addiction though!
This image reminds me of a story from a few decades back. One US state (unnamed) passed a law saying that there would be a sales tax on everything not edible. When the sales clerk at the garden centre tried to explain this new law to an elderly gentleman with a tray of pansies, he ate four of them before she let him through!
plant additions really aren’t harmful….they are theraputic….or…Im in denial.
Gayla, is it already late enough in the Toronto season for pansies to be left outside? Or best to keep them indoors for a bit longer, lest they get nipped?
Hanah: You can keep pansies and violas outside now, no problem. They’re really quite hardy plants. Some of mine even make it through the winter if there is enough snow insulation.
Definitely do not put anything cold-sensitive like tomatoes, peppers, or basil outside yet. We’ve got a good 3 weeks for those yet.
I succumbed to temptation yesterday, and my, aren’t those pansies purty! I’ve got Matrix Sunrise, Delta Persian Medley and Supreme Orange in a window box, two planters and a few in the ground paying homage to my Bird Girl statue. Loving the purple/mauve/orange mix.