For years I published a regular, email newsletter filled with site updates, pictures, contests, stories, and assorted garden-related ramblings… and then I stopped. People wrote to ask where the newsletter went and if I was okay and all I could think was, “It’s in my brain. If only I could will it from my brain and into the computer screen.”
After a five year hiatus I have decided to resurrect the newsletter. Joining is completely free. There is no obligation to join; however, be informed that there will be much commiserating over terrible weather, **frolicking in sunny fields of flowers, and hootenannies that you will not want to miss.
You can expect bi-weekly, weekly updates of:
- recent site updates and articles
- recipes
- workshops and events
- interesting links
- stories
- newsletter-only perks
- ramblings
- anything else that I think you’ll enjoy
I hope you will join me and I will try my best to make it worth your while!
[About the photo: The above photo depicts roses harvested from my garden in early August 2012. The varieties are two climbers and one bush: ‘Westmoreland’ (orange & pinkish), ‘Night Owl’ (black/purple), and ‘Graham Thomas’ (yellow-orange). I purchased the vintage lithographed bowl from an etsy shop called Scout and Rescue.]
**The management regrets to inform you that they can not guarantee nor provide frolicking, fields of flowers, and/or hootenannies at this time.
I love hootenannies!
Whining & Crying, I love. Bring it on.
Weeds to pull and Food to grow.
New Ideas and old ones too.
I’ll be waiting………..
Whining & Crying, I love it. Bring it on.
Weeds to pull and Food to grow.
New Ideas and old ones too.
I’ll be waiting………..
You Grow Girl is my favorite gardening book of all time. I’m so glad you’re back! I keep looking at my garden and itching to finish weeding it and covering it in newspaper and straw. I ran out of straw in the fall and haven’t done anything since.
Breathtaking, drop-dead gorgeous photo!
Welcome back. You were missed………..