Gardening Life Photoshoot

The day after the Launch Party I dragged my weary body out of bed and headed west to an area north of High Park called Baby Point to have my picture taken for Gardening Life magazine. Crazy! I brought Davin along so he could a.) keep me awake and make sure I got home okay

Book Launch Party Update

Wow so much has happened in the last few weeks I can hardly keep up. Of course, in the end I found myself sick in bed for nearly a week with the same crazy end o’ winter virus everyone seemed to be carrying so that’s my official excuse for the delayed posting about recent events.

Book Launch Party & Other Goings On

Just a reminder that the Book Launch Party is coming up this Wed night at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto. Details can be found here. ——————————————– The view on my deck is looking somewhat more inviting today. I did not take a photo but it is warmer and brighter with remnants of snow and ice.

Book Launch Party Reminder

Just a reminder that the Book Launch Party is this Wed night at the Gladstone Hotel. The party starts at 8:00 and should go until midnight. Be sure to arrive early to get in on the raffle. I’ll be giving away copies of the book, t-shirts and some other goodies. There will also be nibbles,

CBC “Here & Now”

I’m going to be on the CBC Radio program “Here & Now” today (Monday) talking about the book, gardening and I will be on at approx. 4:20 pm and a second time at 4:50 pm.

Seedy Saturday

I had a table at Seedy Saturday over the weekend where I sold some books and t-shirts. The turnout was great and I got to meet a lot of people who visit the site. Thanks so much to everyone who came out and stopped by my table to say hi. I regret that this year

Book Launch Party!!

Come out and help me celebrate the launch of my book! When: Wed. March 23 starts at 8:00pm Where: The Gladstone Hotel (Ballroom) 1214 Queen Street West (Queen near Dufferin) Toronto, Canada With a blend of soul, funk, Latin and jazz by DJ General Eclectic (Footprints, Turning Point). Come early for door prizes, CD giveaways

It IS Real

What an exciting day! Five fresh copies of the book arrived on my doorstep this morning. The book looks great and I’m excited to finally see it in print. Here are a few photos: – Front of the book – Here I am holding all five copies. Here I am doing something strange to my