Phase 1 Complete

Phase 1 of “Project Deck Garden 2006” was enacted yesterday afternoon. It was inspired by a sunny day and a headache that wouldn’t quit, which not surprisingly, was abated after a few hours in the fresh air. I won’t bore you with the details as Phase 1 involves large helpings of gardening’s lesser joys; clean-up,

Getting My Seeds Started, Right

This year will go down in history as the year I not only started seeds on time, organized all seeds by category (direct sow, indoor starts, and never-going-to-grow-it-so-trade-it-already), AND managed to draw up some kind of “plan” beyond casual (and quickly forgetten) mental lists. I rule. For now. We’ll see what happens when transplant buying

Seedy Saturday 2006

I spent the day selling t-shirts and books at the Toronto Seedy Saturday event this weekend. It really is growing bigger and better every year (see a pic here). The aisles were packed with excited gardeners from 10 am on and I got to meet a lot of great people, talk gardening (my voice is

Rooftop Garden: July 1

Things are coming along swell on the rooftop garden. In fact, this is turning out to be my best year ever! The weather has been incredibly hot and dry, and as a result I have been out there religiously watering containers, sometimes as much as twice per day. But the combination of heat and consistent

Herb Fair 2005

Last Sunday marked the annual Ontario Herbalist’s Association Herb Fair at Harbourfront. I am pleased to announce that it was also the most successful You Grow Girl Toronto Meetup to date with our best turnout yet!!


The raccoons may have got a lot, but they didn’t get my tomatillos.

Garden Plot Update

It’s time to start posting updates on my gardens before things get too out-of-hand. Over at the community garden plot I dug in some fresh soil amenders and finished planting quite a while back. Thanks to some rain all the seedlings are coming in nicely. This year I planted: Purple Cherokee tomato Black Krim tomato

Seeds, Seeds, Seeds

My seeds have arrived. Some are just in time for planting and some are kind-of late but manageable. Just to be clear I have done a first batch of seeds. This is a second, last-minute batch. They are all heirloom varieties purchased from Seed Savers. I’m very excited! I’ve already opened every packet and inspected

A Beginner’s Guide to Vegetable Seed Starting

Guest post by miss gard(e)ner Inhabit Hardiness Zones 5 through 8? Ready to start your growing season? The much anticipated moment has arrived. Planning Keep the following in mind when planning your garden: Climate: What grows well in your region? Space limitations: How extensive will your garden be? Domestic habits: What would you like to

Seedy Saturday Purchases

Last Saturday I attended the Seedy Saturday event here in Toronto. The turnout seemed to have grown since last year and of course so did my purchases. Where I will be gardening this year is up in the air so I have tried to hold back on making any plans, decisions or purchases. But who

A Little Something About Big Pumpkins

Guest post by Beate Schwirtlich A round this time each year huge pumpkins, some as big as a thousand pounds, are loaded–using either a forklift or a bunch of strong people and a tarp–into vans and trucks and taken to contests. Growers have spent months tending to these pumpkins that by now have become lumpy,

Ensure Your Bounty of Peas

Guest post by Arzeena Hamir No matter what zone you live in, garden peas are one of the first crops that can be planted outdoors. Even though the weather may be mild at this time of the year in your zone, the soil is still quite cold which often results in poor germination. In addition,