General growing and maintenance guidelines. Your plants and how to care for them…
Somewhat Creepy Baby Doll Buggy with Mint
One of our weekend projects was turning this vintage doll buggy into a mint planter. The plants inside are, from left: ‘Orange’ mint and ‘Ginger’ mint. I bought the buggy last fall. It cost 5 bucks at a street sale. At the time, I didn’t know what I was going to do with it, I …
Growing an Edible Strawberry Pot
Strawberry pots have a bad reputation in the gardening world. They have poor water distribution and tend to dry out quickly. Sometimes they’re ugly. Or the pockets are too small. Or the pockets don’t have a lip, making holding soil in at planting time nearly impossible. The good ones are expensive to buy, if you …
Transplant Trade 2009
I attended a transplant trade this weekend. I arrived at the trade with two trays of plants and returned home with only one. Success! I exercised a lot of restraint this time around and did not succumb to any descriptions of beautiful tomatoes I do not have the space to grow. Although, I did end …
Chitting Potatoes
I grew this potato variety, ‘Purple Peruvian’ in a big trash can out on the roof last year. Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait until spring 2010 to see a picture of that… or read about it for that matter. Anybookpublishingtakestoolong, it’s a pretty little fingerling variety with purple flowers that grows well in containers. I …