General growing and maintenance guidelines. Your plants and how to care for them…
Stevie, Not Wonder
My epic trip has come to an end and I’ve been back in the freezing north for a few days. Brrr…. It’s time now to begin processing the experience for myself as well as find a way to express on this site some of what I have learned and experienced. Boy did I learn a …
Nipple Fruit (Solanum mammosum)
Yesterday afternoon I was treated to an impromptu flower garden tour in the mountain village of Giraudel, Dominica. This region is known for it’s particularly rich soil and has, as a result, become a hub of flower growers and gardeners. I learned a few interesting tidbits that I hope to share here on a later …
Wild Eggplant (Solanum torvum)
Dominica is often referred to as The Garden of Eden, which comes as no surprise since it seems that just about anything will grow here. No matter where I am on the island, whether it be on the coast or in the mountain rain forest interior, I often see wild foods growing. I found this …
Giant Poinsettia
I love poinsettias here in the tropics. They’re so gangling and colourful. And the best part is that those holiday gift plants that typically go to pot in North America can be planted out in the garden and grown into a massive bush. View a few more photos: 1, 2. Learn how you can save …
Heliconia Psittacorum
I have seen these both cultivated and growing wild here in Dominica.
Tetrio Sphinx Caterpillar
Imagine one of these munching its way through your garden. I saw this one, and then I saw two others soon after! Both terrifying (I was initially sure it must be poisonous and stepped back as if it might eat my face) and amazingly beautiful all at once. Turns out it won’t eat your face …
Desert Rose (Adenium obesum)
Desert Rose (Adenium obesum).