Eco-Me Cat Starter Kit

Eco-Me specializes in D.I.Y natural cleaning, bath and home products and kits. The idea is a bit unusual: rather than simply selling natural products, they provide the recipes, reusable containers and tools, and essential oils so that you can make your own. Many of us, most especially those that are new to green living are

Matchstick Garden

I bought this little UK product, The Matchstick Garden, while out shopping for project supplies at a bourgeoisie cooking store in my neighborhood the other day. Those fancy stores with their beautifully packaged products and their well-appointed displays get me every time. It was in one of those well-appointed displays that I saw them, pretty

Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s Community Gardening Guide

I’m very proud to have co-produced the cover photograph for the Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s “Community Gardening” guide alongside my partner Davin Risk. Yep, that’s my soiled hand and a bouquet of sage held up at our own Parkdale Community Beer Garden. There are four varieties of sage in that photo which I continue to harvest

Underground Organics

I’ve been meaning to tell you about Underground Organics since back in the spring when buckets of their beautiful flowers first started showing up at my local weekly market, the Dufferin Grove Farmers Market. Underground Organics are a trio of farmers living just outside Toronto who are organically growing annual and perennial flowers and selling

A Way to Stake: Wall O’ Mesh

I think this method is called, “Using Whatever’s Available.” It seems to work. I think it’s kind of interesting and matches the hodge-podge style of the space although I don’t think it would score points for curbside appeal with The Better Homes and Gardens crowd. It’s the kind of look I will miss dearly once

Gift It: Homegrown Herbal Bouquet

I was invited to an apartment warming at my brother’s newish place the other night and since I had already treated him to a whole new garden, hereby known as “The Gift That Covers Me Off for Gift Giving Until 2010,” I decided I wanted to bring something but that that something should be simple

Grongoling and Liljor Earrings

I’ve been on the lookout for new earrings and recently treated myself to two unique and botanically inspired pairs created by a designer from Sweden who sells under the name executeme on Etsy. The arrival of the package on Friday felt like Xmas. First there were the boxes, carefully packaged to match the contents. Inside


This post (I kind of hate that word to describe writing here) is going to be piecemeal, a quality that is indicative of my life right now as I float or rather scramble from one task to another in an attempt to keep up with the season and my workload. I’ve been trying to write

An Edible Bouquet: Chive Blossoms

I came up with this idea while on assignment for Budget Living magazine. The idea was approved but sadly the magazine folded shortly thereafter and I was never able to see this concept to fruition. The editor had asked me to come up with something for wedding season, a request that kind of made me

Making More Mint

Mint has got to be one of the easiest plants to grow. Just plop it into some reasonably rich soil in a reasonably sunny spot and watch it take over. Evidence of its opportunistic habit probably lives in your garden right now. It certainly does in mine. The ‘Chocolate Mint’ I attempted to reign in

Hand Blown Glass Posy Pin

I picked up this teeny, tiny hand blown glass posy pin on my way back from lunch this afternoon. See how fast I am? Quick like lightening! I was apprehensive about pining a small water-filled vase to my chest but it really does hold the water. I tried all kinds of bending over actions that