Jennifer Perkins of the famous Naughty Secretary Club just reposted this interview we did… a whole bunch of years ago. I have to admit that when I saw her message in my inbox my first thought was, “Oh [insert expletive here], what did I say to embarrass myself?” Thankfully there is no blackmail material in there. I do find it odd however that I said I was not a vegetable gardener and then went on to list all of the vegetables I had grown. I think I must have still been carrying a touch of that thing where I felt like I wasn’t completely valid as a gardener because I was growing in containers on a rooftop. It’s hard for me to believe I felt that way at one time since I almost exclusively talk and do workshops on growing edibles and consider edible urban gardening my passion and specialty. Go figure!

In other news You Grow Girl was featured in this month’s Sierra Club Magazine (pg 26 of print version). I did a phone interview with the writer a few months back and was disappointed it didn’t make it into the article — it was one of the best interviews I have ever done! She asked me questions about topics I’ve been itching to talk about from my thoughts on city living to urban agriculture, to ecology and beyond. Interviewers always ask me how to garden, they rarely ask me what I think about it or why I do it! It’s about time I started writing more about these issues here. All in due time.
And because I couldn’t resist….

First look at Gayla’s tomato bump! They live! It really is amazing isn’t it? Go seedlings go!
Hey Gayla! Thanks for posting about the interview. After doing all my spring planting and looking at your book and re-reading the interview I just had to repost it. It has so much good info!
I love your little flags!! :D
Thank you. Tooth picks, sticker paper, and a sharpie.
Those are great flags, but how do you keep them from getting all yucky with all the moisture? Do you put a dome on your tray?