I’ve packed an arsenal of high SPF sunblocks, camera gear, and several light, long-sleeved shirts and am now on my way to the desert. The forecast says it will be 111°F in Phoenix when we arrive and I am already imagining myself in the Arrested Development scene where Michael reaches for the door handle of a taxi at the Phoenix airport and the hot metal burns his hand.
Should we make it through this incredible shock to the system alive, you can expect a few slightly crazed heat strock-induced dispatches from the desert peppered throughout the trip.
Please send cooling vibes our way!
Until then I leave you with this photo from my cactus bed at home. The new growth has been exceptionally beautiful and I particularly like what is happening here on the end of the Sante Fe cholla(Cylindropuntia vindiflora). Yes, it does indeed overwinter in my Toronto garden! I am incredibly excited about seeing much, much larger chollas on this trip. Hopefully, I will not return home feeling underwhelmed by the diminutive, cold hardy cactus that I am able to grow here.
Gayla, if you have time in your trip to AZ, you might really like the Boyce Thompson Arboretum, just out of the
old mining town of Superior. It’s not too far from Phoenix, and it’s got lots of trails, amazing landscapes, and all those remarkable cacti. Have a great trip!
Welcome to Phoenix! I hope you have a chance to go the the Desert Botanical Garden next to the Phoenix Zoo. You’ll see a terrific display of all sorts of desert growth. Love your blog! (Drink LOTS of water while you are here!)
Can you Freeze Fresh Basil, and if so How?
I do freeze Basil Pasto, but If I can do it, it is a no brainer…
Thank you,