Gardening season is gearing up for THE BIG WEEKEND, the one in which I will NOT make the mistake of visiting a garden centre or even think about visiting a garden centre. The up-and-coming long weekend — officially known as “May Two-Four” here in Southern Ontario as a way to promote the fact that any Canadian worth their salt will be single-handedly downing a 24 pack of Molson Canadian as a nod to our colonial ties to England or some such whatever, also marks the begininning of our local gardening season. As a result I’ve been frantically running around the city buying plants and preparing for a bunch of up and coming projects and television appearances. Everyone wants to talk gardening this week! I have visited at least one garden centre every single day for the last 7-10 days. I went to three today. In the rain. It was cold and wet.
Anyways, I’ll be on the teevee both Thursday and Friday this week. I’ll also be selling stuff at The Urban Harvest sale this coming Saturday (see the sidebar for details). I promise you it will be fun, not at all painful like the line-ups from hell you will see at any other garden store this weekend. Plus I’ll have new button designs!
Thursday, May 17, 2007.
Gill Deacon Show
11am and 2pm
I’ll be talking about gardening in a changing climate.
Friday, May 18, 2007.
The National
Times are listed on their website.
I’ll be talking about container gardening and demonstrating how I plant and grow tomatoes.
Just set the PVR to record today.
Hey Gayla,
You’re a natural. I thought your segment was great and I would’ve loved it if it was longer.
Thanks Donna. I missed it because The National was here taping a segment!
You’re a gardening rock star!
I just caught the clip of you on the National- your garden is beautiful, what a great view of the city you have!
Thanks Cristine. We finally got around to that cleanup this morning and it looks a whole lot better than it did that day!
Unfortunately I missed it on TV. I am wondering if anyone who watched it on tv can tell me if there were titles on the screen? The online version has no titles so I can’t tell if my name was mentioned.