Let’s Start Seeds

While it is still early days yet here in the upper regions of North America, many of us (myself included) have begun the process of buying and planting seeds for the 2012 gardening season. There are 12 years of resources published on this website, many of which even I have trouble locating, so I’ve compiled a list here to make it easier for you.


Seed Buying

Seed Starting

Caring for Seedlings & Planting Out

Gayla Trail
Gayla is a writer, photographer, and former graphic designer with a background in the Fine Arts, cultural criticism, and ecology. She is the author, photographer, and designer of best-selling books on gardening, cooking, and preserving.

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12 thoughts on “Let’s Start Seeds

    • Oh wow, It’s been years since I grew that variety! I came upon a seedling one year at a sale by chance. Unfortunately, I have not seen it elsewhere since and I don’t have seeds.

      I would recommend ‘Whippersnapper’ as I prefer it to ‘Sunrise 11’, but to be honest that’s not an easy to find variety either.

  1. Very cool! One note about Kitazawa – they don’t ship to Canada. Made me kind of sad, as I’ve had trouble finding some asian varieties in Canada.

    • Thanks for the heads up. That’s too bad. I’ve never tried to order from them online. I picked my seeds up in San Francisco in Little Japan.

  2. Thank you! Do you by any chance still have your seed exchange? Also, when do you recommend adding fertilizer? Specifically for Silvery Fir Tree Tomato seedlings and just in general.

  3. So in the spirit of seed starting and caring for seedlings, I have a question. I’m noticing a few of my tomato plants starting to turn yellow (bottom leaves, first set of true leaves). My Whippersnapper is about 5″ tall with about 3 sets of true leaves and I noticed that the green is starting to turn to yellow. This is the first time I started seeds indoors and everything was going well until about 1 week ago when I started to notice slowed down growth in all my plants. Am I over watering? I gave them a dash of sea kelp (a few granules on the surface of soil) a few weeks back; am I over feeding? Any help/tips would be much appreciated!

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