I often allow some of my lettuce plants on the roof to bolt and go to seed in the late summer heat. They look beautiful and eventually produce seeds that can be collected for next year.
‘Mascara’ is a vivid, red oakleaf variety that comes back up on its own in the spring. I do collect the seeds, but since it sows itself I tend to just give them all away. I find the tiny seedlings popping up in pots scattered around the roof and carefully transplant each one where I want them. Free food! And all from one plant that I let go a few years back.
This is the first seedling that popped up this year. I thought the nasty snowstorm a while back would kill it, but its still kicking. Tough little thing.
More about ‘Mascara’ lettuce here
This is a big mystery to me, how a leafy, kind-of-succulent plant like lettuce can survive the frosts and snows. I had given up on my lettuce but every single plant came back. I hadn’t thought of letting some of the lettuce go to seed but I think I will try it this year.
P.S. I really like the idea in your book.of painting patterns on containers using chalkboard paint. This will be perfect for all my home-made self-watering containers.