Seeds > Winter


Until last week I had not been thinking much about my garden plans for the coming growing season. It’s difficult to suspend the reality of -26C (feels like -40C with the windchill) when you’re in the middle of it. After awhile, you start to believe that spring will never come again.

Over the last few weeks emails starting coming through asking if I would be selling ‘Hahms Gelbe Topftomate’ tomato seeds again this year. I sold them back in 2012, but the 2013 growing season wasn’t great and I had only saved enough for myself to grow plants on in 2014 (and share a few in trade). The 2014 growing season wasn’t a great one for tomatoes. Year-to-year I only save the best of the best, and few of the 40+ varieties I grew thrived enough for me to bother going to the effort associated with saving them. However, I did save some, including ‘Hahms Gelbe Topftomate.’ I had no plans to sell off the extra, but I had already tested germination and knew the seed was good. And then a small window of time opened up, and there was something about the deep freeze that pushed me to make it happen. Through the course of the week I slowly added varieties to my etsy shop until there was 7 in total (‘Whippersnapper’ has since sold off and a few others are close).

‘Brown Berry’ is a richly-flavoured indeterminate cherry that grows on a vine. I just love the unique brown colour, especially served as a salad with a rainbow of cherry tomatoes.

Rose Quartz Multiflora Tomato
I have written about this unique variety before. ‘Rose Quartz Multiflora’ is a redish-pink cherry that produces crazy clusters of fruit — as many as 50-100 on a single stem! It’s so fun to grow.

‘Goldilox’ is a favourite dwarf variety that I’ve ben growing for about 4 years, but have neglected to write about here until now. It produces a lot of juicy, saladette-sized fruit for such a small plant. Great for containers and small spaces!

I’m so glad that I did it. By the weekend I was knee-deep in the work of counting and packing tomato seeds. Spending so much time with them switched something on in my brain that made me believe that spring is on the way. They are potential in a perfect, tiny package. Your enthusiasm about the seed I was packaging for you to grow in your gardens was contagious, and soon I was thinking about what I might like to grow in mine. Soon I was making my own seed purchases and fortunately, bringing in a little cash from the seeds I had grown the year before allowed me to go wild. I didn’t buy many new varieties last year, so the 2015 growing season is going to be a fun one.

You Grow Girl Seed Packets

Tomato Seed Giveaway

UPDATE: CLOSED. Winners are Jessica and Cat.

I intended to do a different giveaway this week, but it has become apparent that SEEDS is the way to go instead. My first new seeds arrived in the mail this morning and the feeling of pure joy and optimism that I felt when I opened the envelope and held them in my hand is something that many of us could use right now. I have set aside a few packets of the varieties that I have on offer, as well as a few others that I did not have the quantity to sell.

3rd Week (Feb 19-26): 2 randomly chosen winners will receive 5 packets of tomato seed saved from my garden. [Please note that they won’t be the exact mix of varieties depicted in the photo above. I took the photo before I selected the final prize packs. Needless to say, they are all personal favourites.]

To Enter: In the comments, share one plant or specific variety that you would like to grow from seed this year. And of course, you can always just type in “count me in,” and that will count as an entry, too.

Sorry, due to the nature of the item, this week’s giveaway is open to residents of Canada and the Continental US only. Winners will be drawn randomly after entries close at midnight on Thursday, February 26, 2015, and informed by email.

Gayla Trail
Gayla is a writer, photographer, and former graphic designer with a background in the Fine Arts, cultural criticism, and ecology. She is the author, photographer, and designer of best-selling books on gardening, cooking, and preserving.

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300 thoughts on “Seeds > Winter

  1. Well this year it’s my first garden so I’m trying a little of everything. Mostly direct sows but I have a seed starting set up for the peppers and tomatoes that I still haven’t gotten around to selecting. So many choices!

  2. There are a few new additions that I’d like to grow from seed in my little Boston community garden this year. I can’t pick just one ;)

    – Black tomato (not sure which variety; maybe Indigo Rose?)
    – Scarlett Kabocha
    – Hyacinth Bean
    – Camomile
    – Beebalm
    and the somewhat elusive
    – Purple Ruffles Basil

    • Also, Tomatoes are THE reason that I garden, so I’m so stoked! I was recently nerding out over your tomato podcast from last year; getting excited about starting my seeds soon!

    • I grew Indigo Rose last summer and was underwhelmed. It was a great producer and the fruit was beautiful, but it didn’t taste so great–very blah. For black tomatoes, I like black truffle and Japanese black trifele.

  3. Red Orach – it grew like crazy last year & replaced the spinach I can never get to germinate in my garden.

    • Good to hear red orach did well for you last year. Bought seeds too late last year to plant out and you inspire me to plant out this year when enthusiasm had faded. Thanks!

  4. Been looking for some favorite small prolific tasty tomatoes that would do well in container for deck experiment this summer. Would be honored to try any you admire. My most looked forward to planting this year, is Rancho Gordo’s Rio Zape bean. Grew last year and yielded about a quart of beans. Need more this year. Also looking to plant a couple of larger black beans acquired through seed swap and hope they will be productive and tasty next winter. Glad you feel you’ve turned the corner in Spring anticipation. It will come! :)

  5. dont know the name of the variety but saved some seeds from an heirloom tomato that my neighbour gave me last summer. Has a dark streaky look with a deep, rich flavour

  6. I’m growing a little bit of everything but I have to start my seeds pretty soon because I’m running out of time! Would love to win one of those beautiful tomato varieties!

  7. I’ve always done direct sow and buying plants from the farmer’s market. This will be my first season sowing indoors. Grow light just came in the mail! Woot! Woot! Gonna attempt seed saving this year as well! Super excited. When will this winter end????

  8. I would love to try growing a big beefy kimd of tomato this year! I grew amazing cherry tomatoes but my big variety all got bottom rot. Hopefully i can figure out how to avoid that this year!!

  9. Basil and parsely and plenty of herbs. I’d love to try your tomato seeds! I’ve only grown tomatoes from seedlings thus far and would love some!

  10. Please, count me in! I only could order one packet of tomatoes, and would love to try some of your other varieties.

  11. I want to grow tomatoes from seed, of course. I always want to grow tomatoes. And eat tomatoes. And smell tomato vines. And wear tomato perfume. I specifically want to try for a black tomato this year, but I say that every year and never do it because seed sourcing is something I kind of suck at.

  12. Looking forward to planting some peppers in my container garden (I have an all cement backyard) and never had much luck with leafy mixed greens so I’m gonna try again!

  13. Count me in! I will be moving this spring, so I am only planning on starting dwarf or short season tomatoes from seed once I get there. It’s a little further south, so I am looking forward to an extended growing season. And I always start beets and chard from seed.

  14. Cherry tomatoes! We are going to grow different varieties in pots along a chain link fence. First time doing this. Any advice?

  15. Oooh those all look so lovely! I currently have garlic in the ground (under several feet of snow, since I’m in the Boston area), and I’m looking forward to growing tomatoes, greens, and whatever else I can fit in my little garden plot this year. I also have a few mystery tomato seedlings on my kitchen windowsill–they came inside in the soil when I brought my peppers in for the winter. I’m excited to keep them going and eventually figure out what kind they are!

  16. I’m sticking with my standard vegetable seeds this year, but I’m branching out and starting a bunch of flowers, too. Sweet peas, lobelia, and impatiens. Bring on the pollinators!

  17. I’m fairly new to gardening and absolutely love Tomatoes. I haven’t grown any from seed yet and am excited to experiment with all the different varieties out there! Count me in!

  18. I am so excited to get my garden started! I just put 4 varieties of peas in the ground, but I suspect the birds already got to them.. Argh. Other than that I can’t wait for tomatoes and peppers!!! Come on spring!

  19. Count me in!!! I am growing ground cherries form seed this year…and maybe try eggplants again. I have tried growing eggplants but I just can’t get it to fruit!!!

  20. i just want to grow ALL THE TOMATOES. we bought tomato seedlings last year at the farmers’ market, and they grew/produced really well, but we started our own seeds too late so they never did much. i’m trying to stay on top of it this year!

  21. This year I’m trying ‘Dragon’s Tongue’ arugula – couldn’t resist with a name like that. I’m also hoping that the seed I saved from the ‘Pineapple’ tomato plant will germinate and produce. So tasty last year!

  22. Have had fabulous luck growing High Mowing’s Sugar Ann Snap Peas from seed for the last few years and the family loves them, so definitely doing them again (alas, I am allergic to peas and can only admire from afar).

  23. I just ordered my seeds – I haven’t really done much from seeds before, but I’m cautiously excited to give it a try this year. I’m most excited about the shiso since I’ve never had a chance to grow it before.

  24. I’m growing a few new-to-me varieties of tomato from seed this year. Lichi and coyote are the most exotic, but the Bear Creek black tomato is the one I’m most excited about. It was developed not too far away from my current location, so I’m hoping it will produce well here.

  25. Count me in! We are simplifying our garden this year to have more room for our favorites. Can’t wait to get it going! “A garden is never so good as it will be next year” Thomas Cooper

  26. I’m hoping to see some garlic come up, and I’m also hoping to get a better tomato yield this year! My cherry tomatoes exploded last year, but I only got a few slicers — and even those were picked off by the squirrels before they had a chance to ripen! :P

  27. I want to try more cherry tomatoes this year. I’ve grown them in the past, but never end up eating them. I’ve also become interested in using ripe and unripe cherry tomatoes in floral arrangements.

  28. I’m going to grow edible corn this year. Last year I grew ornamental corn and it did very well. I also grow tomatoes, beans, peas and we’ll a host of other veggies. Every year I try something new. I even grew a successful luffa once. Lol.

  29. Finally starting to get the spring planting bug here too, although still almost 3 months until anything will happen outdoors.

    One variety I will start from seed? Definitely Early Cascade tomatoes – they were de-hybridized and reselected a few years ago, and are my go to tomatoes. Nice clusters of plum sized tomatoes – bright red, fairly mild, sturdy, all-purpose. Indeterminate, but mild mannered.

    I usually grow a few varieties of tomatoes from seed, always Early Cascade, Vine-y cherry tomatoes (sweet million type), yellow pear (my grandparents grew them), a plum of some variety, and 2-3 other types. Seldom any are successful in the Alberta foothills, but occasionally a few ripe tomatoes before the first frost.

    A few Padron peppers too – hardiest, most productive peppers I’ve found so far. Similar to Shishitos but easier to grow and more productive. A keeper for me.


  30. i missed what seemed like a lacklustre Toronto summer this past one so I can’t wait for this one. I can’t wait to try growing mustard greens!

  31. Lots of good stuff – tomatoes, hot peppers, basil… Always fun to try new tomato varieties, and to get my students excited about them!

  32. I am trying a whole load of new things this year from seed. I think I am most excited about leeks, melons and broccoli.
    I think I’ll start the leeks this weekend!

  33. I will try new herbs like borage and some new varieties of tomatoes along with my favorites Matt’s wild cherries.

  34. I’ve never grown dry beans before, and am going to be trying out a couple of heirloom Italian varieties this year! I moved out to the country and have quadrupled the amount of space I can garden in, so I’m going a little overboard with ALL THE PLANTS.

  35. Although it was -11 F this morning, I have started a Minibel tomato plant. My plan is to bring it in to work and let it grow on my super sun shiny desk. And I’m pondering another planter with bush green beans.

  36. I usually grow just about everything in my garden from seed, except for things like shrubs or berries, but this year the thing I care about starting from seed most is greens! I’m dying for lettuces and chard and kale.

  37. I’m going to try pole beans on my balcony this year, hopefully for a bigger crop than the bush beans of years past have given. I want to try salting them down in a jar, should I ever get more than a handful at a time. Thanks!

  38. After relocating to Texas I’ve had to adjust to a new climate for my garden. This year I’m trying out new varities of pea seeds. They’re already in the ground while much of the country is covered in snow!

  39. this is another abnormally warm and dry winter in Northern California, so I’m already growing peas, spinach, cylindra beets, and daikon. Just started a ton of herbs and a few tomato seeds indoors today. Can’t wait for tomato-growing weather to arrive! Ironically last year the most prolific/tasty tomato we grew was a volunteer–I think Riesentraube.

  40. Along with all the rest, I will be starting some White Soul strawberries. A bit of a novelty, but I couldn’t resist :)

  41. We are moving to a new property this season, but I can’t not start my own seeds. I’ll be doing lots of container growing this year. I’ll be attempting ‘Little Fingers’ carrots in the pot. Wish me luck!

  42. This year I’m going to try my hand at strawberries. I’m hoping that our new dog will help keep the squirrels away.

  43. I don’t know what specific variety but I want to add some raspberry bushes this year. Thanks for the great give away. The variety of tomatoes I planted last year was plentiful with a pretty yellow globe shape, but the taste wasn’t great. I would love to try a new one.

  44. Juliet tomatoes! They are my “workhorse” tomatoes here in the Pacific Northwest at my northern latitude. Juliets are sturdy indeterminates with prolific production of small, Roma tomatoes. They also seem to be resistant to late blight, and three plants usually provide us with all our canned tomatoes for the season.

  45. I always grow Black Krim. I change up all the others year to year, but it is my favorite for BLT sandwiches.

  46. I am planning to grow big Thai chili peppers for the first time. The chilli are about four inches long and about one-and-a-half inches wide at the widest point. They are the biggest chili peppers I have ever seen, and I was very happy to get some seeds from an actual chilli that a friend from overseas gave me.

  47. This is my first year with a big garden and I’ve moved to the potato-growing corner of the US, so I’m excited to grow some tubers!

    Your tomatoes are so beautiful, Gayla! Thanks for the giveaway.

  48. I want to grow the Sungold cherry tomatoes from seed. I haven’t tried as wide of a variety of tomatoes as I’d like but this one has been my fave so far.

  49. I’m excited to grow Gold Nugget Heirloom Squash and Minnesota Midget Heirloom Muskmelon from Heritage Harvest Seed. New varieties for me – wish me luck!

  50. I will be growing ‘Eleanora’ Basil which is supposed to be resistant to the miserable, airborne Basil powdery mildew which claimed all 12 of my plants last season.

  51. I am excited to get my 1 and a half year old daughter involved in some gardening this year. I think it will be so fun to watch her pluck some cherry tomatoes straight from the vine. Cucumbers are always great too, I think I have Marketmore. And I always love a meaty Old German tomato for slicing.

  52. I have tried to grow green peppers from seed the past two seasons with zero luck. I’m hoping that 2015 is my year!

    I’m also looking forward to re-trying arugula in a pot, which I grew last year but went to seed almost immediately.

  53. We always grow peas and runner beans. As many as we can and still never quite feel like we have enough for our family. The kids will eat every single pea they find. So we grow telephone pole peas and I get the ones over about 5 ft. This year we are thinking of trying a hand a cabbage, though we are pretty new to gardening and still figuring out our microclimate.

  54. Please count me in! I’m trying ‘Matt’s Wild Cherry’ this year but your Rose Quartz Multiflora’ sounds like the bomb!

  55. I’m planning on trying to grow paste tomatoes for canning in containers this year, probably cukes, jalapenos and red romaine as well.

  56. I will be growing in all containers this year so I will be sticking to black plum tomatoes and for early in the season a few perfume delight sweet pea plants

  57. I saved seeds from a friend’s beautiful yellow currant tomato plant last year. The fruits were so perfect, round, and golden that the very thought of them lifts my spirits or of the winter blahs!

  58. Last season was so cold that I had very little success with most of my tomatoes. I have a few german beefsteaks that I’m hoping will produce this year. I purchased two packets mid season so I’ve been waiting quite a while to give them a try. The other was a big pink start and any time they got even a little ripe the squirrels snatched them up (the only ones they seemed to favor in the whole bed). I got a few for seeds at the end of the season but wasn’t able to eat any of them. I’ve already purchased some large buckets to put some tomatoes on the balcony where the squirrels won’t get to them. Hopefully this season will be filled with a great variety of ripened fruit to make up for last year.

  59. My long time favorite, the yellow pear tomato, is what I’m looking forward to growing! Thanks for the giveaway!

  60. I really want to grow lots of peppers, its leading up to 4 different types I absolutly need to try. Also I am trying out the much acclaimed Mexican sour Gherken! SOOOOO Exited

  61. I want to try growing perennial berries this year! But due to the nature of the bushes I won’t grow any actual berries till next year, lol!

  62. I absolutely can’t wait to grow my first 3 Sisters patch: Canada Crookneck Squash, Dakota Black Popcorn and Rattlesnake Snap Bean. Thanks for the giveaway!

  63. I started all mine from seed last year, so I guess a new variety all together that I’m try is Old German tomatoes, and then a new plant I’ll be starting from seed is ground cherries. My own started-from-seed did a lot better than my friends store-bought – so I think it’s definitely worth the effort!

  64. I’m excited to grow the tomatoes that didn’t work out last year: Black Krim, Howard German, Fiaschetto, and Costoluto Genovese. I’m also very excited to try the seasoning pepper seeds I got: Trinidad Perfume and Aji Dulce!
    Can’t wait!

  65. im hoping to have better luck with tomatoes. It’s generally just not quite warm enough in Northern California.

  66. I’m currently looking into bee specific attractors as well as herbs beneficial for our chickens. You know, trying to save and aid all of the animals :)

  67. I’m hoping to grow eggplants from seeds this year. Last year I just couldn’t get them warm enough to do anything.

  68. Probably Urban Harvest’s Homemade Pickles pickling cucumbers, which is the most popular thing I grow and make for friends and family. But also all the tomatoes!

  69. Count me in please!!!! Am gonna try to find out if any of my old seeds are still viable (am using tips from one of your posts from last year). I have a mix of veggies and herbs so it will a surprise :)

  70. Count me in please! My toms were so slow last year I am hoping for a more fruitful summer this season!

  71. I really want to try growing Pepper Moruga Scorpion this year…now crossing my fingers that the seeds germinate.

  72. Count me in! I LOVE tomatoes and every year try new varieties in my garden. I’m in Seattle so I have not had much luck with large tomatoes that require long growing times. I’ve had much better luck with smaller varieties and cherry tomatoes. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this contest!

  73. I grow most of my plants from seed…onions seem to elude me, so I’m going to try them again…they’ve already popped up and are in the greenhouse growing on until I can transplant them. Tomatoes are my favorite by far to grow from seed! :)

  74. You have given me much food for thought and some great varieties I will have to check out….I particularly am interested in ‘Brown Berry’. So I will be searching for it. I get a bit nervous about heirlooms as we generally have blight issues here. I am very excited for this giveaway so thanks for doing this!

  75. I will be starting my first garden this year, so I can’t say anything about a favorite…yet; but that Rose Quartz Multiflora Cherry Tomato that you have a picture of looks interesting and one that I may be able to get my grands to gravitate to because it looks like something sweet. Anyway, “count me in” please. Thanks for the opportunity! Peace!

  76. I will definitely grow zucchinis this year. They were very good last year. Tomatoes were awesome too. I’m gonna give another try to pumpkins. Last year my all 3 pumpkins gave about a dozen babies, but rabbits ate them all. :( And lots of greens – parsley, dills, basil, tarragon, rosemary, marjoram.

  77. Count me in please :)

    I am a sucker for seeds so I usually have such a hard time narrowing down my selection! Something new I would like to try this year would be your Hahns and Goldilocks tomatoes as well as the Rose Quartz. I have yet to find MY tomato. You know, you talk to people who have certain varieties that they just love and do so well for them. I have yet to find that tomato for me. I also would like to try some new to me bean varieties.

    Thank you for all your gardening wisdom!

  78. I got some blueberry tomatoes and I seriously cant wait! I have some purple pod peas that I can’t want to plant to!

  79. Count me in!!

    I’m planning to plant a massive veggie and herb garden this year, with tomatoes as the main crop :-)

  80. as usual my eyes are bigger than my garden but I’m most excited about my Zimbabwe bird peppers and all the dwarf tomatoes I’m planning to try.

  81. I am excited to try Pink Berkley Tie-Dye Tomato from Wild Boar Farms. I grew Solar Flare last year and it outperformed everything else, so I am hoping this will be another winner.

  82. I’m confused. I don’t see where to enter for the giveaways for the seeds.
    I’m a first timer here, and that’s probably the problem. Thanks, Betty

  83. I grow a heirloom yellow pear tomato that isnt affected like other yellows and grows exceptionally well. At the moment I can not think of the name to save my soul! However, I got the seeds years ago from a lady that lived near by and have been growing it ever since.

  84. I would like to grow this year:
    Vegetable: Potatoes – regular & sweet (got the sweets in water to sprout the slips!)
    Italian sweet peppers
    Triamble pumpkin
    Flowers: Lisianthush

  85. I love the heirloom tomatoes, all varieties. I’m also growing yellow plum tomatoes, love the taste. I’m starting to prepare the area for starting my seeds so please count me in for your give away. Last year I tried zucchini and okra with great success, also doing peas and beans (especially scarlet runner beans)

  86. I think Rose Quartz Multiflora looks wonderful. I love early and ultra early tomatoes, given the short summer.

  87. Aloha, I was so thrilled to see the tomato give-away…until I read that only people who live on the mainland are eligible…….why is that? (sigh; I live in Hawai’i)

    Hahms Gelbe Topftomate is the tomato I was interested to try! Can I still enter, and could you send the seeds to my BFF in New Mexico?

    This year will be the 1st year that I will have a plot in the Community Gardens at UH Maui campus, in addition to growing things in pots on my 2nd-floor lanai; I’m so excited! I plan on growing the Tarahumana Sunflowers, Red Swan Beans, Listada de Gandia Eggplant, Hill Country Red Okra, Dragon Carrots, Dester Tomato, Radio Calendula…various & sundry herbs, and…oops, o wait…was I supposed to only write ONE thing…did I mention I’m “over-the-moon” about having a garden to play in?

    Thanks ever so much, Ani

  88. Cherokee Purple tomatoes. I grew some from seed two (three?!) years ago and they were totally my gateway from-seed plant. Beautiful plant, beautiful fruit and it tasted insane. Thanks to a variety of factors, I haven’t been able to grow from seed in the intervening years (which may, in part, explain my craving) but this year’s the year!

  89. We have a baby due in June so we will probably have to scale back the garden a little this year.
    I really, really want to grow acorn squash – we tried butternut last year and we’ve been enjoying them all winter.
    I also want to make more of an effort to grow herbs – so simple but I always put it off. Basil, mint, rosemary, cilantro, and sage, I think.

    Thanks for the reminder that winter can’t last forever, I feel better just thinking about starting seedlings. :)

  90. Didn’t know if you comment again for the second drawing but…I am so excited about growing dwarf tomatoes after reading about them on your site and ordering the seeds from you…do you have a list of all you have grown in the past and how they have performed in your garden?

  91. More tomatoes! The challenge for me is to find enough room to grow enough to put up. Well, that and just growing them in the pacific northwest without a greenhouse.

    I think I’m going to try growing parsnips again this year. Last year only a few germinated.

  92. Hi:

    I am going to try to grow melons! I never have any luck (maybe because its colder) but then came across this variety Collective Farm Woman Melon. It suppose to be even ripen even in Moscow so maybe I have a chance. Also trying cucamelons!

  93. I am having fun planning my 2015 garden. I want to increase the number of medicinal plants and I also plan to grow more varieties of tomatoes. So please count me in!

  94. Going to try ‘Padana’ winter squash…if this is our typical winter from now on, I need to put away a lot of stuff this year!

  95. I would love to grow some tomatos this year so that my mother and I can make her amazing salsa together!! :)

  96. Bullnose (Red) bell peppers from Monticello. They are big, beautiful and sweet.

    I love growing heirloom seeds that I purchase from Monticello. Not only are they excellent but I keep thinking that these may be the great, great, great…grand seedlings of Thomas Jefferson’s plants.

  97. I will be sowing some different tomatoes this year. Jelly beans, Green zebra, and beans from a seed saver, ma Williams and and a new favorite , Fortex beans! Can’t wait!

  98. I love love to try the Rose Quartz Multiflora. My two little girls love picking and eating fresh tomatoes from our garden.

  99. I would like to try to grow chickpeas for the first time this year. But my larger goal is to grow all my flowers from seed this year. I normally grow all my vegetables from seed, but pick up some flowers from the greenhouses. There was a study done in my city that showed how most of the plants at the greenhouses here have chemicals that can be deadly to bees in them. And so many flowers in the greenhouses are doubles, so they don’t have that lovely, golden center the bees want. Seeds are the way to go!

  100. I’ve been meaning to try growing cherry tomatoes for ages. Here’s hoping that this year is not a repeat of 2011, when the heat killed everything in North Texas! Count me in! :)

  101. I have a few varieties I’m growing from seeds. Some lovely new tomatoes, but also Parisian Carrots are DELICIOUS and really fun because they’re similar looking to radish! Something new is probably going to be peppers if I can get them to grow just right this year.

    Last year we can a huge ant problem it they may have caused the stem rot. Still unsure…

  102. I am excited about some seeds I got at my first Seedy Saturday exchange. One in particular is the OSU Blue Tomato. Can’t wait to see how it grows!

  103. Tomatoes and basil are on my must grow this year! I got some really cool tomato seeds from secret seed cartel that I can’t wait to try out.

  104. Count me in! My list is long, but I’d like to figure out a way to get cilantro to actually grow this summer.

  105. I have a balcony in a major metropolitan area, so container garden. My tomatoes and peppers did well last year and I’ve added some lemons and blueberries recently. However, I really want to grow some lavender from seed this year- it’s my happy plant!

  106. Every year I try something new… last year it was lovage… this year: Japanese Green (Mitsuba) and Armenian Cucumbers.

  107. My magical find last year was Holy Basil (Tulsi).

    Have already started (probably too early) but just set up a light shelf and really can’t help myself.

    3 types of basil lavender
    rosemary mystery hot pepper
    echinacea cilantro
    alyssum onions

  108. My partner and I recently came up on 1.8 acres deep in the pines of northern california and this year, we’re incredibly excited to grow our tomatoes from seed (in hopes that they are heartier than the transplants that failed us in the extreme Chico heat of last year)– this year I am most excited to grow Ananas Noire tomato from seed.

  109. I’m curious to try straw bale gardening on my crusty front lawn; I’m not sure yet what I want to grow in them. But I do want to grow lots of beets in my backyard for pickled beets!

  110. Count me in! I’m still learning how to grow things especially from seed. Right now it’s been flowers but I’m going to give it a try with some herbs and vegetables this year. ????

  111. Last year I tried growing potatoes. Went okay, got a small basket full but would like to try again this year, plant earlier and maybe in a different container. I want to have purple carrots as well. More cucumbers as well.

  112. We love Black Krim Heirloom Tomato and I’m going to try Cucurbita Maxima var. Zapallito (very popular in Argentina). Thanks!

  113. Haven’t tried tomato seeds. We have found a cherry tomato plant called Cupid. Got it from an Amish greenhouse. They don’t get soft and crack like other cherry tomatoes.

  114. I’d like to grow lemon cucumbers and the miniature Mexican cucumbers this year. And lot of bee friendly flowers!

  115. Starting from seed…oh boy… Let’s go with radishes, carrots, beets, cucumbers, spinach, beans, and peas, to start ;) This is all in a small yard in the city. I’m still working on converting the front lawn to garden LOL

  116. I only have room for tomatoes. The smaller varieties usually do better. Love all the pictures you post. You truly have a green thumb.

  117. i want to grow a nice cherry or grape tomato. i just love eating them right off the vine, still warm…. they taste like sunshine. i haven’t picked a variety yet though.

  118. i will be trying a little of everything. I just moved so I am starting from scratch. Not sure what type of garden I am gonna start with. It is -20 f here in Minnesota so I am still hibernating, but dreaming of spring…

  119. I am REALLY excited to grow asparagus from seed this year! They just started sprouting and already look like mini-asparagus! So cute!

  120. I grow everything from seed and try a couple new things every year. This year I’m hoping to find a lovely pear-shaped small brown / black tomato. A friend grew them two years ago but didn’t save me any for seed. I’ve tried chocolate cherry and black cherry and neither is it. Hope continues to spring eternal tho!

  121. I have never grown tomatoes from seed and would love to try it this year, Gayla.

    PS – My daughter said she remembers you from a Phish tour years ago. Her name then was Emily Pruitt – she’s now Emily McDaniel. Not sure what shows you were at together.

  122. Count me in! I’m trying to grow apple & ice cream bananas! Fingers crossed we have bananas by October!

  123. I’m starting most of my garden from seeds this year, so far for spring veggies (that sprouted in 3 days!), I’ve done Waltham broccoli, bib & romaine lettuce, bok choy, spinach, and kale. Flowers I’m trying are poppies & calendula. I’d love to try some new interesting tomatoes!

  124. Count me in!! Starting a garden for my preschool and introducing all the stages of growing your own food to harvesting to 3 year olds :)

  125. I want to try growing more of the purple tomato varieties this year. Hoping to grow a a little more of everything this season.

  126. This is my first year having my own in-ground garden bed and I couldn’t be more excited! I think I’m especially looking forward to biting into some juicy new tomato varieties, like the yellow brandywine and purple Cherokee I started indoors a few weeks ago! =)

  127. Rosemary… Although I’m a little discouraged about growing seeds again. I had tons of things growing last year. During the hardening off phase, I was out of town and we got snow in May! Needless to say, much of what I loved and grew from seed was destroyed. I’m willing to try again. I have beautiful garden beds in my backyard.

  128. Count me in! :) Among a few, I discovered zebra tomatoes last year! Love them just warm and ripe from the vine! :)

  129. Globe thistle! Gorgeous and the bees are hypnotized. Would love to have it in our school garden. Thanks!

  130. I got seeds of some new to me varieties of tomato. This year I’m trying Paul Robeson, Rose Quartz Multi-flora that should be in the mail, and I’m so excited about. Also, Matt’s Wild Cherry tomato , Voyage brain tomato, and Pink Boar. I’m also looking forward to a bunch of varieties I saved from 2014, thanks to what I learned from your resources Gayla. Thanks for teaching us how to save our tomato seeds at the end of last season, I may have gone overboard, but have lots to share.

  131. So far I have got seeds going for
    -flat leaf parsley
    -sweet peas

    I plan to grow from seed
    -hot peppers

  132. ill probably try my Mexican Midget tomatoes and tomatillos again…I also love growing different varieties of carrots-purple is my summer salad fave!

  133. I just put in my seed order and am going to try scarlet runner beans as a new addition to my garden this year. They grow easily in most locations but living in the Yukon presents extra gardening challenges. Can’t wait for spring to get in the soil!

  134. Please count me in :) I am going to try to grow anything Organic, Heirloom or Non-GMO if we grow to much we plan on giving all the extras away to help other who can not plant a garden.

  135. I will be growing everything I can! My favorites being Purple Kale, Moons and stars Watermelons and Moonglow organic tomatoes! I hope I win your seeds! :)

  136. Please count me in! I love to grow anything unusual! Maybe a ruffled tomato? Love following you!

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