This is What $80 in Seeds Looks Like

Sooooooo……….. I’m ready for my intervention.


Approximately $80 worth of seeds (plus duty charged by Canada Post) showed up in the mail over the last few days. That would be in addition to the COUNTLESS seeds I already have. And the ones that are turning into little seedlings under lights. And the seeds I will trade for at tomorrow night’s Exchange Potluck Party. And the seeds I will impulse buy before the garden season is over. And let’s not forget the transplants I will purchase come planting time.

I must have been feeling very optimistic and ambitious when I ordered 5 different pea varieties.

Last night I organized the first batch into my existing collection, but couldn’t resist pulling it all out today to browse through the packages, introduce them to the newest arrivals, open each package to examine the seeds (beans are the most exciting), and generally revel in my wealth. I feel like I’ve won the lottery! Rolling around on the floor in all of the packages did cross my mind for a fleeting moment. Fully clothed of course.

Sure I say it every year but it has got to be said…. my garden/s is/are going to kick so much ass this year!!

Gayla Trail
Gayla is a writer, photographer, and former graphic designer with a background in the Fine Arts, cultural criticism, and ecology. She is the author, photographer, and designer of best-selling books on gardening, cooking, and preserving.

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14 thoughts on “This is What $80 in Seeds Looks Like

  1. If I open a seed catalog, especially one that sells heritage and/or organic seeds, it is almost guarateed that I will buy something. There are so mnay possibilities.

  2. I just love to “play” with my new toys…I mean seeds, too! Don’t you also find yourself liking the ones with pictures on them better? I just don’t get as excited about the packs that don’t show me the treasure within. : )

  3. Yes the pictures make a difference even though I know what’s inside. I can understand why most companies don’t do that… it’s expensive to print a different full-colour package for each variety offered but I have been loving Seed Savers since they changed their package design.

  4. I just spent my lunch break on the Seed Savers site (even though I have more seeds than I could grow in 10 seasons!), and nearly bought $47US worth of seeds. Fortunately, the logical part of my brain (the part that balances the checkbook!) kicked in and I made a .pdf of my list instead. I’ll save it for next year… unless I can’t resist for that long and end up buying them all anyway…

  5. I am very sorry if that had anything to do with me — part of the reason why I didn’t link to the suppliers.

    If you are coming tonight I am bringing some seeds from this haul.

  6. Well, girls, if you REALLY want to see a work of art in a seed packet, you should check out Renee’s Garden Seeds. Her packets are full of info, but the art is worth the price of admission alone. They do sell seeds in Canada, but I got mine on their website (where there are also photos to die for….)

  7. :) Don’t worry, my close-call had very little to do with your post! It was more likely caused by a slow day at work… which has contributed to the rediculous collection of seeds I built up over the winter. Fortunately (maybe unfortunately?), the work load has picked up again, so I should be able to avoid the temptation until my plants go into the ground and my focus changes!
    (although I did catch myself going through the Seeds of Change site this morning!)

  8. Ciao all-

    Well, I finally dove ahead blindly and made my map of what flowers I’m sowing inside. This is based on very little actual scientific data gathering..more of the close eyes and point to a package really. I chose 2 sweet peas, one called Scarlet something from OSC and the other called Taffy something from Renee’s Garden. Yes, our little family knows all about Renee’s. My mother sends me stuff of hers for special gardening occasions like Easter and Mother’s Day from her selection. I also chose Peru something 4 O’clocks, Mixed Cleome, Malva Zebrina, Mixed Bachelor Buttons and Pink Buddleia from the round robin and Fairy Tale Lupines from Seeds of Distinction? something like that. LOL, I have no trouble keeping over 500 tomato varieties at the top of my brain, but ornamentals are something completely different. Here I go, wish me luck!

  9. Impressive. That is a LOT of seeds. How big is your backyard? You must have one nice slice of this Earth.

  10. Sooo funny. I am glad to know there are people like me out there. My seed caddy is so stuffed full I can hardly get the lid on it. I liked the picture you included. I too get a lot of my seeds from Seed Savers, and I ordered the Mexican Sour Gherkins this year. I am so eager to try them! And no, you do not need an intervention. Those poor slobs that go to the Super Walmart, and buy the sad looking veggies shipped from China…THEY need the intervention! You go girl!

  11. In March, my sister and I sat at Tim Horton’s until 10:00 one night, comparing our lists of seeds we wanted from two catalogues we like. We had to go through and cross off items several times to pare it down to a reasonable amount. We put our lists toghether in order to share the shipping costs. It is sad to cross off delightful new things because you are not sure if they will grow in your spot or because your sister says it is a frivolous showy flower that you can’t eat and therefore not as crucial as the veggie seeds (and yet, same sister bought soapwort seeds thinking she was going to make soap someday and niether I, nor she, nor my garden club have gotten those buggers to germinate)… anyways, when the seeds came, it was like, “Happy birthday to me!” And even though I had a pretty good idea what most of them would look like, I had to open them all up and inspect, compare, and ponder them. I have a modest patio container garden (though, with your book, Gayla, and this site, as inspiration, I feel free from perceived limitions of that) and could not possibly find room for more than one or two of each type of seed I have planted. I have even (gasp) not planted some of the seeds I already had in favour of trying out the new ones. But, between my sister, my mom & dad, the garden club, and a forthcoming community garden, I will have no trouble finding homes for my babies. My efforts will not have been in vain because planting and caring for seedlings is therapeutic, grounding, and good for the self-esteem.

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