Considering the particularly harsh nature of winter in the north this year, the need to celebrate the solstice/equinox/vernal equinox/whatever they’re calling it these days is stronger than ever. Spring can not arrive fast enough. Do you think blowing on the snow will make it melt faster?
From here on out I will be selecting “Spring” rather than “Winter” when categorizing my posts. I bought some cut daffodils in a moment of desperation the other day and they are starting to pop, emitting a delicate floral scent from their spot on a shelf behind my desk. The sun is shining so I plan to take some time this afternoon to visit my weekly farmer’s market (they should have some good local greens) and later plant a few more seeds. Maybe later I will run through the streets naked in wild abandon. Maybe.
How are you planning to celebrate the coming of Spring?
Don’t forget to enter the Haiku Contest! Only a few days left!
Unfortunately – I might spend it shoveling snow. They are predicting 4-6 inches of snow in Madison, WI tomorrow! Other than that … I have started to organize some of my garden stuff and clean pots I never got around to cleaning last fall. It is all very exciting to think that soon those pots will have plants in them!
On a more simple note – I have been enjoying walking around the neighborhood … it’s been awhile since you can do that without snow boots and excessive amounts of clothing. So comparatively, I suppose I am fairly naked while doing it! ;)
Any suggestions as to where to get some good seeds around Downtown? I’m thinking Grassroots, though as I recall they only had one brand, and I’d like to diversify a little.
I have bought white tulips for my kitchen to freshen things up – and am planting my seedlings indoors in anticipation of my first garden – and taking photos and tracking the process of my spring bulbs – none have bloomed yet but I am waiting and watching!
Here in Las Vegas, Nevada, where night temperatures are almost 50 degrees, I am celebrating by planting my seedlings outside (tomatoes are already 4 inches tall!). It is funny to hear you talk about just starting seeds now… amazing!
I have some daffodils (from the yard- in TN they’re blooming everywhere) on my desk and I’m going to start seeds for the first time ever! Last year I had some herbs and a single tomato in a container at my back door and now I’m hooked! I’ve been plotting my little container garden all month, can’t wait!
It’s coming into autumn here – so it’s all about tomato gluts, making pesto, pumpkin pie, the last occasional strawberry and thinking towards brassicas, leeks and hardy leafy greens.
I’m going to try growing and eating kale this winter – I’ve always been a little intimidated by it for some reason. It seems quite a ‘hardcore’ vegetable. (Does that make sense??)
I love end of summer harvest time. :)
I live in an unsunny apartment, even my patio doesn’t get direct sun,but today, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I bought seed packets-basil and chives. I think I can rig the basil to hang over the porch and get some sun for a few hours a day. I also usually sprout lentil beans in a pretty bowl. Its a tradition in the Middle East.
I’m celebrating by calling the various companies to come tell me where the various pipes are in our backyard so I can finally build the “big” garden. This weekend I’ll do a big clean up of the “little” garden and various pots. Then I think I will wander over to the pests and problems section to vent about moss.
Why oh why do I live in Maine?????
Matt: I think Grassroots sells Urban Harvest seeds which are good. Urban Harvest actually sells at a few of the weekly farmers markets around town where the selection might be better than at Grassroots. I have seen Botanical Interests seeds at the Whole Foods in Yorkville. After Seedy Saturday good seed acquisition in the city gets a bit sketchy.
Today I read this post on good ‘n planty and hope to do it all tomorrow:
“sniff a daffodil hear a robin eat a peep feel a patch of moss notice the buds on tree branches.”
This evening I’m celebrating the first full day of spring by:
1) catching up on my gardening blog reading (starting here),
2) trying to think of a haiku for your contest,
3) curling up with the latest issue of Gardening Life magazine as soon as I finish 1 and 2.
To celebrate, my basil sprouted.
Now it’s on for real.
It’s so exciting to hear about everyone’s preparations! I myself am about to start my seeds but have a few questions that I am hoping some of you more experienced gardeners can help me with. I have some native flower seeds that I’ve read require
cold stratification to germinate. So my question in regards to this is, do I merely put the seeds in a cold space (ie fridge) or do I sow the seeds in starting mix first and then place them in the fridge? I also can’t seem to get an answer as to how long this needs to take place for. I’ve got black eyed susans, monkey flower, butterflyweed, aster, and some lobelia seeds… anyone have any experience with these? Also, I have a flourescent light in my basement, but it doesn’t have a cover on it. Will it harm the seedlings to put them directly under the light with no cover.
And one more thing…. I bought a strawberry seedling and as I don’t have a south facing window I’ve been moving it from an east to west facing window in order to maximize sunlight. Is it hard on seedlings to keep moving them around?
Thanks and happy spring!
Today I planted my Seedy Saturday seeds!
Tomorrow I’m going home to celebrate the Solstice with my mom – every year we each paint a wooden egg. Our collection of little artworks gets bigger and more beautiful every spring.
The seeds I planted a few weeks ago are coming up and I’m SO HAPPY! This year, I am really trying to turn my small front yard into a ‘garden’ so that the kids can grow their own snacks.
So far, we have a peach tree, an apple tree, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, peas, sweet and hot peppers, corn and lots of herbs.
At the moment, I’m celebrating by soaking the first year’s batch of dirt out from under my fingernails because I loathe wearing gloves- today, I cleaned up from the last little storm, pulled some beastly oxalis, planted strawberries & violets (thanks for the inspiration, Gayla) and filled in a small garden around a dwarf Meyer Lemon with some cute flowery and herby things. Next week, (thank the board of education for Spring Break) I will put in the remaining ground covers, build raised beds for my tomatoes and peppers, and watch my seedlings sprout- I’m crossing my fingers. I’m off to color eggs- have a great first weekend of Spring, all!
I was hoping to do some raking and sprucing up the front yard beds, maybe even set up a large homemade sandbox for the kids…but it’s hailing :(
I’ve been thinking of buying some cut flowers or perhaps some potted spring bulbs as I’m going stir crazy. There’s still far too much snow on the ground. I hope it will feel a little bit more like spring in a week or so!
Although the freezing weather we’ve been having in TO the past few days, and the snow that just came down again last night, hopefully the final encore, seems like it just won’t ever end, I had a first little taste of spring yesterday. I was inspecting my rosemary plant which has been looking pretty meager lately as the result of aphids…. ugh… what a nice way to start off a new season I thought, when, along came a beautiful big ladybug to rosemary’s rescue! I couldn’t believe it! Even though I haven’t seen lady today, nor do I expect her to take on the whole battle solo, I couldn’t help but being overjoyed at the prospect of spring by what better way than a greeting from a ladybug!
Did I say rosemary? I meant sage. Just took a peak at it and found my little ladybug friend on the window not far from the plant. Bon appetit ladybug!!
Naked? Yeah! If you run naked through your streets WHEN spring comes, so will I. Now wouldn’t that be a sight to behold??? I know exactly how you feel. Yesterday was Easter Sunday – and I was out in my yard – shoveling snow! Ahhh, but it was Spring Snow – meaning heaving as all getout, but full of water. So my tulips etc., will have a good drink and begin to reach for the sky. You brought a smile to my face, thank you. bls
I am celebrating by wearing shorts and planting tomatoes and herbs in my lovely neighbor’s lovely greenhouse :)