Metro Morning Radio

I’m going to be on the Metro Morning show tomorrow morning at 6:30 am talking about urban gardening. The decision to do this was made under what can only be described as influenced by a fleeting moment of temporary insanity. I am very much NOT a morning person preferring to sleep in past 5 am thank-you-very-much.

Anyways I only have to stay awake and be marginally articulate for about 10 minutes so if you’re one of those crazy morning people you can catch me between 6:30 and 6:40 am. I can not guarantee what will come out of my mouth at that hour. I can not guarantee that there will not be 10 minutes of total radio silence.

When: Friday, April 18, 2008 6:30 am.

Where: CBC Radio Metro Morning 99.1 FM in Southern Ontario.

UPDATE: Unfortunately the person who booked me did not put me in the book so-to-speak and I went there only to be sent home. And now I will attempt to go back to sleep.

Gayla Trail
Gayla is a writer, photographer, and former graphic designer with a background in the Fine Arts, cultural criticism, and ecology. She is the author, photographer, and designer of best-selling books on gardening, cooking, and preserving.

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8 thoughts on “Metro Morning Radio

  1. Woo Hoo!
    I listen to Metro Morning every morning.

    I’ll be there! It’ll be a great inspiration before heading of to my 8am meeting at the site of the new community garden we’re putting in on Shaw, just north of Dupont. :)

    (To clarify, you have Fri, Apr 17th as the date. Do you mean the 18th?)

  2. I’m in the states, but it appears that they post the show online. I’ll listen even if I’m not there!

  3. haha! we may be superior human beings, but see our powers fade as the sun goes down… like inverse vampires. i’ll try to catch the show online. :)

  4. Sleeping in??? You young-uns must still be “a-growing”! …when you get my age you’ll be up gardening at dawn every day, then you’ll be whistling all the way to work to put in a happy and hectic day, and then you’ll be back home to garden while you have a few drinks with the neighbours ’til midnight. …wait a second, maybe it isn’t my age after all… oh yeah… SPRING FEVER!
    P.S. I listen to Metro Morning all the time too.

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