Grow Write Guild #11: Your Edible Rewards

growwriteguild_banner600 Gayla Trail with a box of freshly harvested currant tomatoes

It’s the height of the harvest season, and while I know not all of you are into growing food, it’s practically impossible to be a gardener without growing at least one edible plant: a special variety of mint because nothing else will do in a mojito; hot peppers because their diversity fascinates you (this is me by the way), or simply just ’cause.

That said, this one is for the food gardeners and eaters. Late summer is when most of us are bringing in the big hauls and when our grower’s pride really kicks in.

Something always seems to go wrong — it is not my best tomato year, I tell you what — but a seasonal fail in this department hasn’t diminished the success I feel each day as I bring in a handful of squash blossoms or an armful of herbs to dry. And there is always next year…

If you have not had occasion in the past to sit down (or stand up tall) and bask in the glory of your food growing achievement, now is the time to do it. And when you head out next to collect your edible rewards, don’t forget to take a picture or two… and then boast about it all over the internet as many of us (including me) do.

Grow Write Guild Prompt #11: What was the last thing you ate that was grown in your garden?

Further Notes and Questions:

  • Consider comparing this season’s crop with that of previous years. How do your tomatoes compared to last year’s tomatoes? You can go further here and make comparisons between specific varieties. What did you do differently? How does the weather/growing conditions compare?
  • What would you do differently next year? What would you do the same? Will you bother to grow this again, period?
  • Compare the way you prepared and ate this edible with how you have in the past.
  • Consider approaching this from a “food blogger” perspective. i.e. Write a personal anecdote/past experience with the food crop or a method of preparation, and include a recipe. Keep in mind that in lieu of writing a recipe you can provide general instruction without specific quantities or steps.
  • Don’t feel obligated to write something glowing. You are also free to rail against the lousy weather, a failed crop, a cooking/canning disaster, or… some of your choosing. Get it out of your system!

The Grow Write Guild is a creative writing club for people who love to garden. Everyone is welcome to participate! Click over to the Grow Write Guild FAQ to learn more about it.

Gayla Trail
Gayla is a writer, photographer, and former graphic designer with a background in the Fine Arts, cultural criticism, and ecology. She is the author, photographer, and designer of best-selling books on gardening, cooking, and preserving.

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14 thoughts on “Grow Write Guild #11: Your Edible Rewards

  1. Sounds like fun! I wish I had something edible in my own garden. I’m determined to try container gardening with tomatoes and peppers next year!

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