For Those of You, Like Myself, Who Woke Up to -21 Temps

This is a little of what I saw only a week ago in Portland. I’ve got to get on developing my film so I can coast on images of actual living things through these last foul weeks/months of winter. Click on the images to see them larger.

Photo by Gayla Trail

Lush, green carpets of fresh moss covering every static surface. The moss shown here is on the side of a tree trunk. I touched and rubbed a lot of trees. I’m guessing the locals are used to that.

Photo by Gayla Trail

I fell in love with these gorgeous pathways at the Chinese Garden. The garden features several, completely unique pathways meticulously crafted from tiny river rocks. Let’s face it, I am never going to have the money or time and patience to devote to something like this but it’s inspirational none-the-less.

Plum trees were blooming at the garden. I devoted a lot of time and film to soaking these beauties in knowing it would be months before I’d see such colours again in the outside world.

Gayla Trail
Gayla is a writer, photographer, and former graphic designer with a background in the Fine Arts, cultural criticism, and ecology. She is the author, photographer, and designer of best-selling books on gardening, cooking, and preserving.

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2 thoughts on “For Those of You, Like Myself, Who Woke Up to -21 Temps

  1. Hey Gayla,
    Those are gorgeous images!

    In Victoria our local newspaper does a “flower-count” at the beginning of spring every year. Anyone who sees newly emerging flowers is urged to take a photo and report their sightings to the paper and they tally it all up. I haven’t seen the results yet, but regardless of the number,it will help keep me going to know that spring is pushing on through.

  2. Oh, I know what you mean about touching the moss, I am a Northwesterner and when I first visited L.A. I had to get up close and examine every palm tree trunk I saw..I was so in awe.
    I have sisters in Portland and visit all the time, I have seen Rhodies and crocus as well as Daffodiles everywhere! Sorry to hear your locked into winter for a while longer..keep plugging along!

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