Historical Re-Creation Programs for Flu Season

I’ve been sick with a virus this last week, hence the lack of posting. As it is hard to do much when you are laid up in bed with the plague, I spent much of my quarantine watching historical re-creation reality shows on YouTube. It began with a re-watch of my favourite show in this

Recently in My Garden + Assorted And Sundry

I’m on a staycation of sorts. The last month and a half was overbooked and I’m exhausted. Burned out. Frazzled. Fried. I am trying to relearn that there is nothing noble or brag-worthy about working yourself to the bone at the expense of your health and wellbeing. There is much gardening and preserving to do.

Recently in My Garden + Assorted and Sundry

July was painfully hot and dry. The garden suffered and there were days when I was sure that I would lose a few plants as a result. August, on the other hand, has been wet and somewhat cool. I really can’t complain. I don’t remember the last time I watered anything other than the pots

Drinking the Summer Garden Giveaway & Free Bonus Recipe

Our first pocketbook, “Drinking the Summer Garden” has been out for a week. Now that the flurry to publish has started to settle, we’ve decided to roll out a few fun surprises. Homegrown Crème de Menthe As with all of my books, I have put together a few free bonus downloads. The first is a

Out Now: Drinking the Summer Garden

Hooray! Our first volume in the You Grow Guides series is out today. $9.99 eBook Bundle $19.99 Paperback I am so happy with the way this pocketbook has turned out and I can’t wait for you to start using it. Here are some images and details to give you an idea of what is inside:

Banking the Bounty Workshop in New York

It has already been an exciting week full of new prospects and events (there are more to come), but to add to that I am thrilled to announce that in early September I will be traveling to the Berkshires in New York State to conduct a full-day workshop on saving seed and preserving garden bounty

Coming Soon: You Grow Guides, Volume One

This project has been a year in the making, and even longer in the dreaming and planning. I was going to wait a little while longer before announcing it, but as we draw ever closer to publication, I am finding it nearly impossible to contain myself a minute longer. So here it is: My partner

Recently in My Garden + Assorted and Sundry

It’s that time of year where so much is going on in the garden, I can’t keep up. I LOVE it! Clockwise from Top Left: 1. Two types of mint, pink snapdragons, and a geranium in pots. I set these pots on a metal table at the back of the garden, in front of the

Easy Growing Winners + Assorted and Sundry

My pup Molly in the garden. Thankfully she seems to enjoy relaxing on bark mulch just as much as this remaining patch of “grass” as we will be digging it out very soon. The winners of the Easy Growing give-away are: Comment #27 Donna B. Comment #48 Christy If this is you please check your

The Dirt on Soil

I’ve been down for the count these past few days with some sort of epic plague. My brain is slow and foggy so now is the perfect time to republish a few of my Globe and Mail Kitchen Gardening articles. This one on good soil for your vegetable garden is the perfect companion to my

HGTV Gardens & Your Questions Answered

And just like that, spring is springing! I am very pleased to announce that I have been hired as a featured gardening expert as a part of HGTV’s new online garden initiative, HGTV Gardens. In the coming months I will be writing a weekly column answering pressing and seasonally relevant garden questions sent in by