Experiencing Fresh Cacao

On our third day in Cuba we took a trip organized by our hotel up into the Sierra Maestra mountains. There were a few different legs to the excursion, the first of which was a stop at around the halfway mark to get our bearings and snap a few photos of the view. It also

Daily Botanical

If you will for a moment direct your gaze over to the right of this text you should see a new feature added to the site called “Daily Botanical.” Everyday, barring weekends, vacations, sickness, power-outages, personal laziness, natural disasters, and unforeseen events, I will be posting a different botanical photograph taken by yours truly. I

Screw Pine (Pandanus utilis)

If you’ve been to a tropical country you have probably come into contact with one of the many species of this tree, the Pandanus or Screw Pine. Although not a pine but commonly named for the spiral growth of the leaves, this tree is not native to Cuba but is often planted in tropical countries

Back from Cuba

We’re back! I’ve got a lot of email to get through, laundry to wash, and photos to organize so I’m not officially back to work until Monday but I couldn’t wait to share a taste of the planty goodness experienced on this trip. The ride through the countryside from the airport to our hotel alone